Pre-conference Preparations & Delegate Information

Please make sure to complete the pre-conference preparations by the due dates to ensure you are properly prepared for LIYLS!

LIYLS Delegate Handbook FINAL.pdf

Delegates, you will find helpful program details in this delegate handbook.

Introduction Video

  • Please record a short 20-30 second video clip introducing yourself! Include a few fun facts and/or say why you are excited for LIYLS!

  • Combine all the clips from the delegates from your school into one video (Make sure the final video is less than 2 minutes).

  • Name the file "[country name] intro".

  • These videos will be shared on our Instagram account.

  • Submit your video via the LIYLS Introduction Video Submissions form by Monday, February 28th. If you encounter difficulties with the form, you can e-mail your video to and include your country and "intro video" in the subject line of the e-mail.

Video Clip for Collaborative Video

  • Each delegation will record a short video clip that will combined be to create a collaborative video to be played on the first day of the summit.

  • The video will consist of each delegation reading a short phrase from the United Nation's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Preamble.

  • Here are specific directions for the video.

  • Name the file "[country name] collab".

  • Submit your video via the LIYLS Collab Video Submissions Form by Monday, February 28th. If you encounter difficulties with the form, you can e-mail your video clip to ( and include your country and "collab video" in the subject line of the e-mail.

SDG Research and Reflection

  • Please watch the video and explore the websites linked below! They share information about the Sustainable Development GOALS and explain the urgency and necessity to address the SDGs. They also provide basic solutions for the main issues pressing our world today.

Do You Known All 17 SDGs?

Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations)

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development (Gates Foundation)

  • After learning more about the goals, please write a paragraph in response to the following prompt: Reflecting upon the summit theme (Rebuilding Connections, Reshaping Our Future), consider which SDG or SDGs you think are most important at this moment in history as your country and the world aim to overcome the obstacles presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Try to give us some insight into the current struggles faced by your country and community in your response, as well as your vision for the global community.

  • Your responses will be posted on our website with your first name and country name. Check back on the website on March 13th to read the other delegate’s responses.

  • Please upload your answers to LIYLS SDG Reflection Submission Form.

  • Due Date: Monday, March 6th

Cultural Presentation

  • Please create an infographic, visual, powerpoint, video, or google slides about your country that you will present to your simulation group. You may also elect to do a live demonstration of some aspect of your culture (i.e. a dance or prepare a food that is important to your cultural heritage).

  • You may collaborate with the delegates from your school to create one presentation but you will be presenting the final product separately in your simulation groups.

  • Be creative, this does not have to be serious! Feel free to add anything you feel represents your country and its culture :)

  • This presentation should be about 5 minutes long

  • This will be presented during the summit, so please make sure you are prepared beforehand, however, this presentation does not need to be turned in.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is my responsibility as a delegate?

As a delegate you are expected to attend the entirety of the conference and stay engaged at all times. Please keep your camera on during the times that we ask and collaborate with your fellow delegates.

Do I need to attend the entirety of the conference?

Yes! We expect each delegate to attend during the entirety of the conference. However, if you have any concerns regarding this please email us.

What happens if I have an emergency and must miss a day/part of a day?

Reach out to the LIYLS leadership team by emailing us (

What will the schedule each day look like?

The schedule is currently being finalized. Please view our website to see the most up to date schedule information. However, each day of the conference will include some combination of these events: a speaker, an international forum, and domestic discussion (breaks are included in the schedule)!

Will I be required to formally speak or present anything during the conference?

No, your level of participation is up to you. However, we encourage everyone to speak and share their opinions as much as possible during the simulation/conference in general!

We are sure that you may have many other uncertainties regarding the conference that we were not able to touch on. We would like to inform you that within the next two weeks we will be sending out a handbook with all the information you will need to be prepared for the conference, so please do not worry if you have any other questions right now! As always, feel free to reach out via email ( We cannot wait to see you soon!