Library Policies

Emerick Library Policies

Our school library contains approximately 20,000 items. Both print and non-print materials are maintained for student and staff use. The online catalog can be accessed from home through the catalog link.

Students will visit the library each week to return books and check out new ones. Kindergarten, first, and second grades will have a library lesson and check out each week with Mrs. Allder and Mrs. Eubank. Third, fourth, and fifth grades will visit and check out books in the library with Mrs. Eubank each week. Mrs. Allder will join each third, fourth, and fifth grade class each week to learn how to use resources effectively and ethically to complete student research projects.

Circulation Policy:

Each child is responsible for returning their books on library day. Parents can help children by posting their "special class" schedules on the refrigerator or other prominent spot at home. (Specials = Library, Music, Art, PE, Guidance) The library is open at 7:30 each school day and closes at 2:50 at the end of the day so students can have access to books and materials all week long, not just on their library day.

Returning Books: Books should be returned or renewed weekly. If a student forgets to return a book, a reminder will be given. If necessary, we will call home or email to let parents know that their child has an overdue book.

How many books can my child check out at a time?

Kindergarten: 1

First and Second Grade: 2

3rd - 5th Grade: 3

Remember: Students can visit the library anytime during the week (with teacher permission) to check out more books if they need them for assignments or if they are returning a book and need a new one.

This website is created and maintained by the librarian at Emerick Elementary School, Purcellville, VA. All content is specific to the needs of our students, staff, and community.