Population Growth

getting started

Chesapeake Bay Program - Population Growth

digging deeper

Britannica School - Environmental Pollution: Population Growth and Environmental Abuse (you may need to log into LCPS Go and open Britannica School before this link will work)*

Gale in Context: Environmental Studies - Human Population Growth Impacts (you may need to log into LCPS Go before this link will work. If you are prompted to log in, click the "Clever" login)*

Australian Academy of Science - Population and Environment: A Global Challenge

Scientific American - Does Population Growth Impact Climate Change?

BBC - Impact of Population Growth and Natural Hazards on Biodiversity

*Some of the links above require that you be logged in through LCPS Go first. For some, like Britannica School, you may also need to open Britannica School before the links will work. Britannica School, World Book Student, and Gale (FWS) are all located in the "Library Resources" folder in LCPS Go. If any link prompts you to log in, access the appropriate database from LCPS Go -> Library Resources and then click the link on this website again.