
(Having login issues for a device/program? CLICK HERE for login reminders.)


My device won't charge. My device won't connect to wifi. My screen won't light up. I am having technical difficulties.

If you are at school, or headed there shortly, please let your teacher know so he/she can advise you of your next steps.

I do not have wifi and cannot log into my Chromebook to get to my offline work. What can I do?

When connected to wifi, the part of your login fills in automatically when logging so you don't have to type that in. When you are offline, you will need to type in your entire Google login, including the, even if you see the part already there. 

The camera on my Chromebook does not work.

The LCPS Technology Department will need to assess why the camera is malfunctioning. If you are a secondary student, please stop by the technology help desk or if you are an elementary student, let your teacher know so a technician can be notified. 

Google Meet

How can I get Google Meet to work better?

What does "authenticate" mean? Why do I have to do it?

Authentication means you are signed into an account that our school recognizes and, therefore, are able to join a virtual meeting. Requiring this helps insure our virtual meetings do not have unwanted guests. With Google Meet, you simply have to be logged into your LCPS Google account. 

G Suite Apps

I have made things available offline but I can't get to them. I click on Drive but I never get there.

Chromebook: There are a few things you can try. First, restart your Chromebook. That alone may be enough. If not, instead of clicking on the Drive App try the Chrome browser app. and then go to Google Drive ( If neither of these things works, you should be able to access Google Drive by clicking on the Files App and then navigate to Google Drive on the left side of the screen.

I turned in my Google Doc/Slideshow but the teacher says it is blank. What do I do?

This is most likely to happen if you were working on your document offline. Chances are the changes you made offline have not had the opportunity/time to sync with your Google Drive. Unsubmit your Doc/Slide (or ask your teacher to return it to you), open it, look in the top left corner and make sure you see the changes being saved. Once that happens, go back to Classroom and "Turn In" the assignment.

Another possibility is that your teacher gave you a Word or PowerPoint and when you first opened it, it was converted to a Doc or Slideshow. Your changes are on that converted document but when you clicked the "Turn In" button, you turned in the original, unchanged assignment. Go back into Classroom and click the + sign above the "Turn In" button, locate the finished work in your Google Drive, and turn it in.

I have emailed my teacher but he/she is not getting my emails. Why?

Make sure you are emailing your teacher (unless you have been told otherwise) to an email address with "" at the end. If you try to reply to your teacher through an email about a post/assignment in Google Classroom, it will look like you sent it but it will never arrive in your teacher's inbox. Notice on the right that the email from Classroom did not actually come from your teacher's email address; highlighted  in  yellow you can see it came from a no-reply email box. Your teacher will not get emails sent to this email address.

My copy of my assignment in Classroom (found above the "Turn in" button) is blank, looks like something went wrong, or just says Drive File.

Click on the X on the file that does not see correct to delete it. You should see a prompt to make a copy of the teacher's original and when you do, you will have a new copy.

I have Word, PowerPoint, or Excel files in my downloads or on my flash drive. How can I work on these?

Please CLICK HERE for information on how to make these type of files editable, how to save your progress, and how to submit them in Classroom. 


I cannot find the link to the website my teacher wanted me to use.

First, double check in Google Classroom/Seesaw to see if your teacher has posted a specific link. If not, many of the frequently used sites your teachers have students use are on your school's Student Start Page. You can get to that page by going to and clicking on your school OR by visiting your school's main website and clicking on "Students."