Senior Information
May 2024
Dear Rising Seniors and Parents:
I know you find it hard to believe, but it is already time to start making arrangements for your senior year of high school. Please note the following date on your calendar:
August 28: Jostens PIX will take formal senior portraits at LCHS. The Event Code is FE220124.
It is extremely important that all rising seniors have their yearbook portraits made on these dates. The Reflector yearbook staff is often asked if pictures may be taken by outside photographers. Before you make this decision, let me convey some important benefits to using Jostens PIX.
If the same photography company takes ALL color senior portraits, the appearance of the senior section is dramatically improved and consistent in your 2025 senior yearbook
JostensPIX makes it easy for you because they come to LCHS. You do not need to drive to a distant photography studio or pay for the formal yearbook portrait
JostensPIX sends multiple professional photographers so the process is much quicker than at a studio without sacrificing quality
JostensPIX offers a variety of packages (you are not obligated to buy and may certainly go elsewhere for your keepsakes).
Taking the pictures with Prestige/Lifetouch Portraits guarantees that all pictures will meet the requirements set by the yearbook staff so students’ portraits will appear in the 2025 yearbook. Any portrait taken by an outside photographer must be turned in to me by November 15, 2024, along with a $20 handling fee (cash or a check made out to LCHS Yearbook). Boys need to wear the traditional tuxedo with black bow tie, and girls need to wear the traditional black velvet drape; students should be facing forward (not looking back over a shoulder) with no props in hand. The background must be classic grey and cropped correctly (see example below). The image must be submitted in digital format, 1200 x 1500 pixels. If a picture taken by an outside photographer differs in pose, dress, or quality, it may not be accepted by the yearbook staff for publication. Those portraits taken by outside photographers are not guaranteed publication, so it is strongly suggested seniors use our provided photographer, regardless of where they plan to purchase their own portraits.
Juniors/Seniors: Juniors who intend to graduate early may take a picture for the senior section, but they must be officially recognized as an early graduate by the LCHS counseling office
Please make every effort to have your pictures taken by Jostens PIX. If there is a scheduling conflict, seniors will have ONLY ONE other opportunity on campus at no cost, October 15, to make up the formal yearbook portrait at no cost.
Thank you in advance,
Stacy H. Wildman
LCHS Reflector Yearbook Adviser