Senior Information

May 2024

Dear Rising Seniors and Parents:

I know you find it hard to believe, but it is already time to start making arrangements for your senior year of high school.  Please note the following date on your calendar:

August 28Jostens PIX will take formal senior portraits at LCHS. The Event Code is FE220124.

It is extremely important that all rising seniors have their yearbook portraits made on these dates.  The Reflector yearbook staff is often asked if pictures may be taken by outside photographers.  Before you make this decision, let me convey some important benefits to using Jostens PIX.

Please make every effort to have your pictures taken by Jostens PIX. If there is a scheduling conflict, seniors will have ONLY ONE other opportunity on campus at no cost, October 15, to make up the formal yearbook portrait at no cost.  

Thank you in advance,


Stacy H. Wildman

LCHS Reflector Yearbook Adviser

2025 Senior Ad Form.pdf


CLICK the above contract to print, purchase, 

and submit a 2025 senior yearbook dedication.

Above is an example of the portrait background color we will use in the 2025 LCHS Reflector yearbook.