Reflector Yearbook
General Information
The Reflector is the student yearbook published once per year by the staff members of the Yearbook I, II, III, and IV courses at Louisa County High School. The Student Production Lab is located in Room 261, Louisa County High School, 757 Davis Highway, Mineral, VA 23117. The phone number is (540) 894-5436, extension 1205 and the fax (540) 894-0534. The email address is
The Reflector serves many purposes to many people. To the students, Reflector is a memory book and a source of tradition. To those who take the course it is an educational and journalistic experience, as well as preparation for the workforce after high school. The yearbook will maintain high standards of journalistic integrity, accuracy, objectivity, honesty and fair play. The staff will strive to make the publication honestly reflect the reality of life, news, sports and culture at Louisa County High School. It is, however, a school publication and is subject to all school board policies and local school regulations. As an educational tool, the publication should provide an insight into the business, design and editorial areas of publishing.