Brayden Graves

Brayden's  Lab Accomplishments:


Image curtesy of Jerome Pollos Photography and Idaho-INBRE

2023 Summer Research Group

Image curtesy of Jerome Pollos Photography and Idaho-INBRE

2023 Drosophila Research Conference Poster Presentation

Kyra and Brayden presenting their poster at the 2022 Idaho-INBRE Research Conference (they earned second place in the "Faculty Choice" category for this poster)

Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 Lab Group

2021 Summer Research

Image curtesy of Jerome Pollos Photography and Idaho-INBRE

2021 Summer Research

Image curtesy of Jerome Pollos Photography and Idaho-INBRE

2021 Summer Research

Image curtesy of Jerome Pollos Photography and Idaho-INBRE

2021 INBRE Research Conference presentation

2021 Summer Research Group

Image curtesy of Jerome Pollos Photography and Idaho-INBRE