Lab News

September 2022

Our SuRE (R16) grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (1R16GM146606) is finally officially official. Start date for the grant is 09/01/2022. This will mean four years of funding for the students and myself to continue our work on Blm!

August 2022

Brayden and Kyra earned second place in the "Faculty Choice" category at the 2022 Idaho-INBRE Conference! 

March 2022

Nathan was accepted into the PhD Neuroscience Program at the University of Oregon!

Abbey R was accepted into PNWU Medical School!

Abbey M and Kenedi were awarded HERC funding to continue their research in the Spring and Summer!

Brayden and Kyra were awarded HERC funding for research computing equipment!

January 2022

Our paper "Blm Helicase Facilitates Rapid Replication of Repetitive DNA Sequences in early Drosophila Development" was published in the latest edition of Genetics. This featured work by Jolee (first author) and Karly.

The link to the article on Genetics is here: 

A PDF of the article is here: Ruchert et al. 2022 

The supplemental material is here: Ruchert et al. 2022 Supplement 

January 2022

Congratulations to Kyra and Brayden for their 2022 INBRE Research Fellowships!

December 2021

Abbie (the First) was featured in the I am INBRE campaign.

Abbie Olson- LCSC I am Idaho INBRE (4).pdf

September 2021

Our paper "Blm Helicase Facilitates Rapid Replication of Repetitive DNA Sequences in early Drosophila Development" was accepted in Genetics! This featured work by Jolee (first author) and Karly in the lab.

July 2021

Brayden, Abbey R, Kyra, and Abbey M presented posters at the 2021 Idaho INBRE Research Conference

July 2021

Abbey R presented a poster at the 2021 Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research

December 2020

Brayden, Kyra, and Abbey M were awarded 2021 INBRE Summer Research Fellowships.

December 2019

Abbey was awarded a 2020 INBRE Summer Research Fellowship.

Isaiah was awarded a STEM Action Center / Idaho INBRE STEM Trainee internship for the Academic Spring semester 2020.

Congratulations to them both!

September 2019

Abbey received a HERC (Higher Education Research Council) award to support her research for the 2019-2020 AY. Congratulations, Abbey!

July 2019

Congratulations to Nathan and Abbey for their "Faculty Choice" 3rd Place poster at the 2019 Idaho-INBRE Conference!

May 2019

Congratulations to Jolee and Shane who graduated with their Biology degrees. They will be missed around here!

April 2019

Abbie was accepted into the Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Genomics program at the University of Oregon. Well done, Abbie!

March 2019

Nathan received a 2018 INBRE Summer Fellowship!

February 2019

Lindsey was accepted into multiple (five!) Physician Assistant programs and will be starting at Midwestern University in Arizona in May. Congratulations Lindsey!

September 2018

Shane was accepted into the doctor of optometry program in the College of Optometry at Pacific University. Congratulations Shane!

August 2018

Jolee and the rest of the lab were featured in the summer 2018 issue of the LCSC Alumni magazine, Journey.

June 2018

Josh was accepted into dental school at Roseman University. Way to go Josh!

May 2018

Josh graduated! Happy for him, but sad to see him leave the lab.

March 2018

Jolee received a 2018 INBRE Summer Fellowship!