DO MORE: Biomedical Research at LC State

LC State has opportunities for students who wish to take part in scientific research, with additional funding mechanisms for those with an interest in biomedical research. Use the information contained on these pages to learn how you can get involved, and the benefits to taking part in undergraduate research experiences.

Research during the academic year

Some LC State faculty offer year-round opportunities in their research labs. Click here to see the opportunities that are currently available.

Sources of support for student research

There are several potential sources of funding to support your research experience. Click here to see some of these mechanisms for research support.

Summer research opportunities

A few LC State faculty also offer summer research opportunities on campus. Click here for information about the INBRE Summer Research Fellows Program

There are also additional research fellowship opportunities for our students across the state of Idaho, the Western states, and the country. Make sure you are signed up for the PLMSS Division Remind app notifications to receive information about those opportunities and speak with your advisor.

What can research do for you?

The research you do at LC State can lead to advances in scientific knowledge, in improvements to human health, and can provide great benefit to you on your academic and career journey.

Click here for information about the amazing things that some of our former research students have done since graduating from LC State.