About our SENCO Support Team
This Support Team works to support the development of a whole-school systematic, collaborative response to inclusive and special education.
Specifically, senior leadership teams, special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs) and Curriculum Leaders (CLs) were recruited to implement a cycle of School Self-Evaluation (DES Inspectorate 2016), informed by the Looking At Our Schools Quality Framework (DES Inspectorate, 2016), to develop a whole school provision map, reflecting current provision to support learners identified with additional and special education needs across the Continuum of Support (DES, 2017; NEPS, 2010).
Project Aims
To support post-primary schools in the development of a whole-school systematic, collaborative and collective response to inclusive and special education.
To guide schools in their implementation of School Self-Evaluation (DES Inspectorate 2016) to develop a school provision map, reflecting current provision for learners with additional and special educational needs across the Continuum of Support (NEPS 2010).
To build systematic, collaborative and situated approaches to professional learning and capacity building at school and LCETB level.
History - Project Implementation
Between May 2018 and May 2019, team members worked with the pilot schools by way of school visits, clustered meetings and training, and development of resources to support project implementation. In January 2019, it was agreed to undertake a review of the process.
The Team includes;
Gráinne Dennison
Joe Lynch
Gina O' Connor
Donncha Ó Treasaigh