Google Educator Group Ireland

What are Google Educator Groups?

GEGs connect passionate educators to discuss the benefits of technology to schools, classrooms, and communities across the world—both online and at locally run events offline. These groups provide a forum for educators to collaborate, share, and support each other. Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board Schools Division established the Irish GEG in June 2020.

Click Here for more information

Schools using G Suite

  1. Mungret College - Contact Helen Ryan [Contact]

  2. Coláiste Chiaráin - Contact Steve McFarlane [Contact]

  3. Castletroy College - Contact

Future of the Classroom Report

Education is evolving at a faster pace than any other period in recent history. Because of this, it’s more important than ever to understand how and where it’s changing so that educators and schools can support students in preparing for challenges and careers that don’t exist today. This report aims to identify and examine research-based shifts in classroom education that are taking place around the world. Click Here to view.