June 15 - 19

Song Activity #1:

  1. Listen to all 3 songs and choose the one that makes you feel the most positive, happy and encouraged.

  2. Select a line or two from your chosen song that stands out most to you as a positive or encouraging message. Something that puts a smile on your face!

  3. Select an image that matches well with your feelings while listening to the song.

  4. Write one paragraph explaining in detail why you find this particular song encouraging, positive or hopeful.

  5. Organize your image, chosen lyric(s) and paragraph on a Google Doc in an interesting way. Play with placement, fonts, colour etc.


optimistic, empowered, rejuvenate,

energized, adventurous

Hiking Trip

Free write one page responding to this image in some way. You could use the image as inspiration for a short story, diary entry or to describe something you would like to do in the future.

Beach Adventure

Free write one page responding to this image in some way. You could use the image as inspiration for a short story, diary entry or to describe something you would like to do in the future.