More Resources

Below, you'll find useful links, starting with English resources, followed by interactive plateforms for youth and ending with French websites.  (note that some of the links in the English section are also available in French)

Relationships,  Well-Being, Friends & Family, Tech, Alcohol & Drugs

This resource offers support to youth via text messages, phone or email.  They also have a wealth of information on various topics, such as the ones mentioned above.

Sexuality, Friends, Body image, Violence, Alcohol & Drugs, etc.

Find reliable information on teen development, as well as toolkits on specific topics to better understand their realities.

Sex Positive Parenting

Factsheets & Guidelines to talk about sexual health with your child.

Body Image, Relationships,  Mental health, Gender & Sexual identity, etc.

In addition to their helpline services (here), this plateform offers different tools such as artciles, quiz and more on various topics that can be share with kids and teens.

Identity, Sexual Growth, Relationships, STBBIs & Contraceptions,  and Consent

This website, from The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC), gives information about sexual and reproductive health.

Body, Emotions, Puberty, Sexual Health, etc.

This website offers information for parents, kids and teens on different health topics.

Sexual abuse, Online safety

This site helps families protect their children by offering reliable information and support for victims of assault. Click here to order free resources.

Child sexual abuse, problematic sexual behaviours

The Marie-Vincent Foundation offers documentation on child sexual abuse, sexual behaviors and services to families. 

Violence in dating relationships 

SOS Violence Conjugale is a non-profit organization offering information, confidential referral services, and interactive tools (i.e. questionnaire to identify if there is violent behaviour in a relationship, etc.)

HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis C

Aids Community Care Montreal is a organization that provides support services and treatment information to people living with HIV/AIDS and/or hepatitis C. 

Puberty, Personal safety, Relationships, Reproduction, STBBIs, etc.

AMAZE offers, through their website and Youtube Channel, educational videos on different topics for children and youth. It also includes information and resources for parents.

Interactive Resources for Youth

STBBIs and Contraception, Consent, Sexual and Gender Diversity

Interactive website.

STBBIs and Contraception

Designed by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux (MSSS) and Tel-Jeunes, this website provides information on everything related to STBBIs and contraception methods.

STBBIs and Contraception

A game which invites youth to become a doctor who specializes in STBBISs. It allows them to learn more about STBBIs, different methods of protection, and various screenings that can be done for STBBIs.

About Sex! (Serie of short videos from Radio-Canada)

Consent, Dating, Sexual assault, STBBIs & Pregnancy, Sexual orientation, Porn, etc.

'' "About Sex" invites teens to take a funny and frank look at what's going on in their head, their heart and between their legs as they navigate life and love as a young adult. Thirty-five episodes explore topics (...) through skits, expert advice and teen testimonials. ''

Ressources en français

Sexto, Pornographie, Relations, Contraception, Puberté, Exploitation sexuelle, etc.

Websérie éducative pour les adolescents offrant des épisodes sexologiques avec des apprentissages approuvées par une sexologue. 

Image corporelle

Cet organisme a pour but de promouvoir les saines habitudes de vie en sensibilisant la population aux problèmes liés au poids et à l’image corporelle. Vous trouverez des outils gratuits à faire avec vos enfants.

Conflits, Émotions, Estime de soi, Cyberespace, etc.

Des contenus pour guider l’enfant de 5 à 12 ans vers des relations saines et harmonieuses. 

Bien-être social et émotionnel

Ce site offre des pistes, des activités et des ressources pour l'ensemble des membres de la famille afin de prendre soin de son bien-être personnel. 

Comportements violents

Plateforme interactive et outils pour prévenir les comportements violents.

Didn't find what you're looking for? 

Have a look at our different sections with more specific resources. The links can be found at the top of this webpage.