Gender & Sexual Diversity

Find useful links, info sheets, and tools to open discussion about gender and sexual diversity.

Community Organizations

Community organization that offers support group for youth and parents.

This organization was created in Montreal and now provides a  lot of different resources (medical, educational, legal, etc.) in regards to the LGBTQ reality to support kids, youth, and their families. 

Click here for their recommandations of trans-friendly service providers (sexologists / psychologists)

Resources and support for LGBT+ families.

Specific Information for Gender Diversity

Information about changing the given name and gender and the different documents to make the request.

Gender Variance Program - TEMPORARY CLOSED*

Centre offering services including a pediatric gender variance program (0-18 years), medical follow-up for young trans adults (19 years and older), interdisciplinary development evaluations and development examinations for at-risk kids.

*Should your child require access to medical gender-affirming care, we recommend the following options:

Montreal Children's Hospital   OR   CHU Sainte-Justine

*The Meraki Center remains available to provide other types of support (i.e. free sessions with sexologists, assistance with legal name changes, community resources, etc.)

This resource offers support to youth via text messages, telephone or email.  In addition, it offers a wealth of information on the various topics mentioned above.

World Professional Association for Transgender Health.

Help Lines & Support

Provides help and information to those concerned with sexual orientation and gender diversity.

Phone: 514-866-0103 Texting: 1 888-505-1010 Chat:

Association offering various services such as a 24/7 helpline (no fee: 1-855-909-9038 #1), free individual appointments to anyone who is part of the gender plurality community, parents, health professionals and/or anyone with gender questions of all ages. 

A space for 2SLGBTQ+ youth and allies to get support, learn more and build connections about Pride, sexual orientation, gender identity and more…all year round!
