Active & Past Topics

Issues & concerns may be brought up by several methods, including the following:

Active Topics

Childcare for LBNL Employees - With no on-site childcare, lab employees have had tremendous difficulty finding local daycare for their children. The committee is working with UC-Berkeley's Early Childhood Education Program to investigate ways to increase the availability and awareness of their service for lab employees.

Small Project Technical Support Pool - The Physical Sciences Area has a broad array of project types - from billion-dollar experiments probing physical limits to projects that comprise just a fraction of a single employee's salary.  These smaller projects are often overshadowed by their larger peers but their time-horizons for technical support can be more challenging.  As a result, we have been working with engineering division to identify a means of providing technical support and continuity to smaller projects, resulting in the creation of Engineering Small-Project Support.

Work-Life Balance - It is challenging to balance project work with writing proposals and papers. As the many programs move further from block funding to soft funding, balancing work and life become more complex. Employees are finding that there is insufficient time and/or financial support to enable project/program work and writing proposals and papers within a reasonable workweek. We worked with the PSA ALD to outline and clarify LBL policies (link requires LBL authentication) as they related to work-life balance.

Workweek Hours - Due to the nature of research work and conference & other work-related travel, the number of hours worked often does not neatly fit into a standard 5x8hr work week for exempt employees. The committee is partnering with Human Resources and upper lab management to better define the accounting of 'hours worked' for supervisors and their reports.

Evolving Workplace Business Models - Structural changes to the nature of the Lab's research is natural, but the growth of soft-funded projects alongside more large-scale initiatives have altered the way the laboratory does business.  The committee works to illustrate these changes and to facilitate implementation of solutions to mitigate any impacts they may have on workplace life.  

Promotion Guidelines - There is a lack of clarity amongst staff about what it takes to be promoted. There should be clear written documentation to communicate what is expected to develop for and be promoted into the various job classifications.  It is particularly important that non-technical staff are aware of career development opportunities at the lab.  

Exit interview process - We worked with HR to clarify the purpose of the exit interview process and to help convey it to lab employees.  We are continuing to work on conveying departing employee's perspectives to appropriate managers within LBNL and to ensure LBNL values are being upheld.  

Visa Communication - When employee Visa status changes, there can be a 6 month period of time when the spouse cannot work. This policy needs to be better communicated to Visa holders and plan to live on one income or decide whether/when to pursue the more permanent Visa. The IRSO office has updated their Visa Services website so that it is now a lot more comprehensive and explains Visa options.  At one time offered monthly orientation meetings for international employees and guests.

Physical Sciences Non-Technical Seminar Series - A seminar series designed for non-technical staff might be helpful in increasing employee engagement and connection to the Laboratory mission. The PSWLC proposed to host a series where divisions would alternate in presenting or coordinated the non-technical talk. The seminars would be advertised in each division and also on an area calendar. A PS calendar is currently being developed as part of the new PS website.

Spot Awards - Historically, Spot awards were inconsistently used within and across divisions. The program should be better promoted and encouraged so that all supervisors are aware that it is available to them. Additionally, the program could be used to strategically promote positive performance behaviors that we would like to incentivize. In 2019, PSWLC took up the issue and HR implemented a number of changes to be consistently used within and across divisions including the publication of usage guidance and improving approval processes.  LBNL also has safety spot awards to cultivate behaviors supporting a safe workplace.

Parking at LBL- We all know that parking can be problematic at the main LBL site, and the increased occupancy coming after the current construction boom makes the issue more pressing.  The lab directorate has formed a parking committee, which is now resulting in significant changes to lab parking policies.  In 2014, the PSWLC discussed parking and provided this list of recommendations to the LBNL parking committee.  Now that parking policies are being revised again, PSWLC has reopened this topic.

VISA Renewal Process- A decade ago, PWLC conducted a review of the VISA renewal process from the user standpoint and found that a website was needed that provided basic information about both the process and expected timeline.  Those websites have since been created and the timelines related to Visa processes for new hires are clearly indicated.  However, for Visa renewals, timelines and process roles and responsibilities are not documented on that website.  

Past Topics

Here is a non-exhaustive list of topics PSWLC has addressed over the years.  If you think one of these topics or some other topic should be addressed, please either email us or use the issue submission form.

CPR Training Availability - CPR Training policy was changed April 2015 to give priority to those required or recommended to take the training. Those who wish to take it as an elective are unable to preregister for the course but may be able to take it via "stand by" if a registered participant is absent. For the overall safety of the Laboratory, it is imperative to have many individuals training in CPR and First Aid. We proposed a change in the practice to allow employees to register for the course after required and recommended employees have registered for the training. 

LBL Pedestrian Map - The lab's new interactive map site provides graphical identification of locations at the lab, plus information about driving and parking, but nothing about the many walkways and stairways and how to use them to get where you want to go.  We have been exploring using GPS devices and Google Maps to define walkways and provide directions for common walking trips at the lab.

Encouraging the formation of public gathering spaces at the lab - both in new buildings and outdoors. 

Parental Bonding Leave- In 2019, LBNL instituted a UC parental bonding leave benefit and temporarily eliminated the previous lab benefit.  PSWLC provided some feedback to HR and the benefits office, advocating to keep both benefits available, which is now the case.

Mentoring Program - PSWLC advocated for a Physical Sciences Area-wide mentoring program that officially commenced in FY21.  PSWLC will continue to engage the program committee and provide input and a Work-life perspective.  

Leave without pay - There was some confusion about the policy regarding unpaid leave. We investigated the issue,  received clarification from the policy team in HR, and worked with HR to modify policy statement be changed to better convey the intended policy.  The new policy has gone into effect, but we will continue to pursue other clarifications.

Conference Room Ownership - There had been an apparent lack of consistency in the amenities and maintenance of conference rooms. IT developed a webpage (LBL login required and login forwarding is a little clunky) that allows Common users to update conference room features. The PSWLC will update Physical Science owned conference rooms.

VAATAG Activities - The Vehicle Access and Alternative Transportation Advisory Group (VAATAG) was established to advise Lab management on the implementation of solutions to address congestion and environmental impacts of commuting at Berkeley Lab. The chair of the PSWLC is also a member of the VAATAG. The PSWLC regularly discusses issues and solutions that pertain to VAATAG activities. Through this conduit, the PSWLC is able to provide suggestions to influence VAATAG discussions/proposals. The VAATAG committee was disbanded in lieu of a new transportation committee.

Lab Shuttle and schedule/arrival information - During the Lab Shuttle Bus replacement that occurred during the fall of 2015, the bus arrival system ceased to function properly - reporting hour-long wait times.  The committee contacted Facilities who reported that the problem was associated with NextBus equipment lagging Bus replacement.  PSWLC continues to monitor NextBus.

Ombuds - An question was sent to the committee inquiring about an Ombuds representative for Lab employees. We have found that the Lab no longer offers an Ombuds service. The complaint process should be followed; the final step in the process is professional, binding arbitration. LBNL has a list of arbitrators and employees can suggest others.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - In the past, it was clear that more electric vehicle charging outlets were needed. The PSWLC discussed this issue but learned that the Lab was planning to install additional new charging stations.

Wellness Coaching- Did you know that UC healthcare wellness coaching was available to LBL employees and retirees with lab-provided healthcare? Furthermore, there are intermittent programs to encourage engagement in wellness programs. For further information keep an eye on email or check here.

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for LBNL- We have received many questions about acquiring AEDs over recent years. After meeting with Health Services, a request for further inquiry was made to the Division Directors, which was approved and passed on to the LBL Chief Operating Officer. This request can be found here.  AEDs have recently been purchased and installed throughout the lab.  Their locations and other information will be posted soon.

Telecommuting- There was a time when telecommuting was uncommon at the lab.  Back then, PSWLC worked to address issues related to acceptance and equity surrounding telecommuting.  A lot has changed, but aspects of career growth and equity remain.   

Travel Reimbursements- Travel reimbursement times can vary by division. After reviewing travel data, our committee decided not to pursue this this issue for the immediate future.

Building a Fitness & Wellness Center at LBNL- After conducting the initial footwork into building a Wellness Center, a fitness club was formed to pursue this objective and while there are no plans to create a fitness center, LBNL offers numerous clubs and employee resource groups that provide opportunities for fitness, such as peleton, bicycling, yoga classes and the annual runaround.

Postdoc Networking- Identifying a need for improved postdoc networking and career information sharing, we sought ways to make this happen. There is now a lab-wide postdoc association which provides additional resources for postdocs.  

Conexis- PSWLC coordinated with Human Resources regarding Conexis issues, such as 1.) people not being reimbursed for prescribed drugs and 2.) difficult website to navigate. HR has given feedback to both UC and Conexis.

Publicizing Lab Employment "Perks" to Employees- To increase awareness of the discounts available to LBNL employees, the benefits office maintains a list of discounts and programs, which sits within the lab's benefits website.  

Lab Mailbox- The postal box by the Lab's ATM machine next to the cafeteria was removed, creating an inconvenience for many people. Our investigation determined that a new postal box is not feasible. Previously mail could also be dropped off at the front desk of the Guest House, but this is no longer possible.

Covid-19-Specific Issues:

Flexible work - With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the lab has dramatically shifted its stance on flexible work.  PSWLC will be here to address what works and what does not when the lab begins to 'return to normal'. 

Safety - Work-related travel during the pandemic results in increase risk of contracting Covid-19.  The lab has developed safety protocol to reduce the likelihood of traveling employees exposing employees, but has not addressed increased exposure risks to employee's family members or cohabitants.  

Administrative Leave - There is limited time available to take paid administrative leave to support an employee to care for family members during the pandemic.  After these time allocations are exhausted, the options become more limited.  

Covid-19 Testing - While concerns and protocols for Covid-19 have abated, the lab currently still requires testing of an individual after a known exposure or after business travel. Since the lab has ceased the free PCR testing program, the committee is investigating the current testing process at the LBNL clinic to help ensure it is easy & quick to use.