
Productionizing Transformative AI  for Science
Tuesday, October 22
3:15 p.m.

Wahid Bhimji
NERSC / Berkeley Lab

Anima Anandkumar

Katie Antypas
Berkeley Lab
(Detailed to NSF)

William Collins
Berkeley Lab

Steve Ferrell
NERSC / Berkeley Lab

Prabhat Ram

How HPC is Transforming Experimental Science and Vice-Versa
Wednesday, October 23
11:15 a.m.

Debbie Bard
NERSC / Berkeley Lab

Paolo Calafiura
Berkeley Lab

Raffi Nazikian
General Atomics

Jana Thayer

Johannes Blaschke
NERSC / Berkeley Lab

Novel Technologies for Beyond Exascale Computing
Wednesday, October 23
1:45 p.m.

Nick  Wright
NERSC / Berkeley Lab

Dan Ernst

Katie Klymko
NERSC / Berkeley Lab 

Glenn Lockwood
Microsoft Azure 

Jackie Yao
Berkeley Lab 

Assessing the Value of 50 Years of Scientific Research at NERSC
Wednesday, October 23
3:30 p.m.

Mark Nossokoff
Hyperion Research

David Mccallen
Berkeley Lab

Maria Elena Monzani SLAC

David Trebotich
Berkeley Lab

Where are Simulation Scientists Placing their Bets for the Next 10 Years?
Thursday, October 24
10:00 a.m.

Jack Deslippe
NERSC / Berkeley Lab

Erik Draeger
Livermore Lab

Salman Habib
Argonne National Lab

Keh-Fei Liu
Berkeley Lab

Barbara Romanowicz
UC Berkeley

Building an Inclusive HPC Workforce for the Future
Thursday, October 24
11:15 a.m.

Rebecca Hartman-Baker
NERSC / Berkeley Lab

Beth Cerny
ALCF / Argonne Lab

Dhruva Chakravorty
Texas A&M

Sandra Gesing

Charles Lively
NERSC / Berkeley Lab

Bronson Messer
OLCF / Oak Ridge Lab