Red Flag Warning

The National Weather Service issues a Red Flag Warning when there are high temperatures, high winds, low precipitation and an elevated potential for rapid fire spread and increased risk of heat-related illnesses. Visit this National Weather Service site to see the regional extent and the status of any current Red Flag Warning (click the “Red Flag Warning” tab for details).

Please take these actions when  you are notified the Lab has received a Red Flag Warning:

No Exterior Hot Work Operations (i.e., activities that generate fire, sparks, open flame, etc.):

Parking on hillsides:

Please exercise caution when parking or starting a vehicle near, or directly on, a hillside. Ensure mufflers are not in direct contact with brush or debris.


Take appropriate preparedness actions based on the increased temperatures, which include: 

If you see any signs of smoke or fire, please call 911. If you have other incident concerns, please contact the Lab's Site Operations Center at (510) 486-6999. Thank you for your understanding and assistance in reducing the risk of fire during this time. 

Go to or call 1-800-445-5830 for updates.