Loss of Commercial Power

PG&E Definitions of PSPS Levels

PG&E Weather Forecast

Check this page for the latest information on possible PG&E power shutdowns based on current and projected fire conditions.  You can also see areas that have received notification at the PG&E map page.

These are the definitions that PG&E uses when discussing possible power shutoffs: 

What Is a PSPS?

In order to decrease the chance of wildfires, PG&E is planning to shut off power when dry vegetation conditions exist along with Red Flag Warnings (high winds and high temperatures). Public Safety Power Shutdown conditions hundreds of miles away could impact power for the Lab.  It is expected that we will receive 48 hours advance notice for planned shutdowns, however, electrical shutdowns necessary for an immediate fire threat could occur with little to no warning. 

While we certainly hope conditions will not make it necessary to turn power off for the Lab, it is a possibility, and as good stewards of the Lab’s resources, we must plan for it. PG&E power outages can last hours, days, or weeks until the hazard is no longer present and lines have been examined and repaired.

What Will Go on Generator Power?

Equipment that is needed to prevent the loss of irreplaceable research, living specimens, or to protect materials that could become hazardous, such as pyrophoric chemicals in fume hoods, will be designated as mission-critical. This may also include equipment that cannot be safely shut down by a procedure.  Mission-critical equipment will be moved on to generator power or will be shut down following a prescribed process when notified of a power shut off.  

Employee Impact

Employees will not be able to enter the Lab premises once power has been shut off since there will be no operational lighting, ventilation, and safety features. The Emergency Operations Center will be activated and there will be designated personnel on-site to monitor conditions at the Lab. 

Safe and Stable Shutdown

If you work in a lab setting, these safety guidelines will help you prepare for any planned loss of power. 

Keep in Contact With the Lab and Your Supervisor

Staying in contact is vital in any emergency. Make sure your contact information is updated in the Lab's Human Resources system and with your supervisor.

To update your contact information in the system, go to https://hris.lbl.gov/self_service/login/

Click on Name/Home Address Change from the menu on the left side of the screen. Click on Update Phone, then add a phone number or edit as needed.  The HR system will be available to the emergency management team if needed during an emergency.

Your supervisor may also build a phone tree for your work group. Please keep your supervisor up-to-date on any contact information changes. 

Elevated and Extreme Fire-Threat Areas

The Lab's main location is in a fire zone designated as an extreme fire threat due to an elevated hazard for the ignition and rapid spread of powerline fires due to strong winds, abundant dry vegetation, and other environmental conditions.

These are areas where utility infrastructure and operations will be subject to stricter fire‑safety regulations. This increases the chance that power will be cutoff to the Lab if conditions warrant it.  The conditions that will drive a public safety power shutoff include:


At Home Preparations

During a Power Outage

Telephone Service In a Loss of Power

The following information comes from the California Public Utilities Commission webpage on communications during a loss of public power.  You can read more at the CPUC webpage.

Will my telephone work if there is no power?  It depends.