Next-Gen Nuclear Waste Disposal Internship 
Summer 2025

Berkeley Lab (near UC Berkeley) is a world premier research institution where scientists are solving some of the world’s most challenging environmental and energy problems. 

We are committed to developing a diverse, talented workforce of next-generation scientists.


("Ingenuity" = NGenNuWaDI!)

Berkeley Lab is a leader in research and technology development to enable long-term geologic storage of nuclear waste.

The Ingenuity program is looking for bright, curious students who will spend Summer 2025 engaging in exciting research projects to address the global challenges of nuclear waste disposal in the deep geologic underground.  We strongly encourage students from underrepresented backgrounds to apply!

Projects can range anywhere from using artificial intelligence to simulate the migration of contaminants in rocks, to conducting experiments on rock samples in a lab to understand the behavior of water in clay rocks.

 To learn more, contact Lizz Mahoney,

Key Info

Award Amount: $10,000 plus travel supplement if > 50 miles from Berkeley Lab

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

Program Dates: June-Aug 2025 (9-10 weeks)

Program Location: Onsite at Berkeley Lab 

Eligibility as of Summer 2025: 


Below is a list of exciting student projects for Summer 2025 (Jun-Aug)


To be considered, interested applicants must use the application form linked above. 

Completed application forms must also include the following items attached to the form as a single pdf :

Item 1: Essay on your Research Experience (2 pages max)

Item 2: Essay on your Research Interests (2 pages max)

Item 3: Reference letters (2 minimum) from faculty members, supervisors, or mentors

Item 4: Academic transcript (unofficial is acceptable). 

Item 5: Resume / CV 


Project 1: Machine Learning for Fractures and Faults     
Mentor: Mengsu Hu (                                               Click on the down arrow to expand >>>

Machine learning (ML) can be a practical toolset to predict a range of multi-physics behavior in the subsurface energy geosciences. Previously, we used machine learning to identify multiscale geological features from Mt Terri URL (a 2022 Ingenuity project), to predict fault slip behavior induced by fluid injection in an experiment conducted in Mt Terri URL, and to predict wastewater injection induced seismic events in space and time in Oklahoma at the basin scale (an LBNL-CSUEB Intern project). We also made a first attempt to predict microearthquakes from hydraulic stimulations conducted at the EGS Collab (a 2024 Ingenuity project). 

In this project, we look for a skilled student to carry out machine learning analysis for understanding and predicting fractures and fault behavior from meso (m) to repository (km) scale. The goal is to quantify the fault and fracture responses to engineering loading such as hydraulic loading in geothermal reservoirs and thermal loading in nuclear waste repositories.  Detailed technical goals will be set based on the background and interest of the successful candidate.

Project 2: Modeling of Gas Flow in Deep Geology
Mentor: Jonny Rutqvist (                                          Click on the down arrow to expand >>>

Gas flow through the Earth is critically important in subsurface engineering activities, such as nuclear waste disposal, carbon sequestration and hydrogen storage. Subsurface gas migration involves complex processes, including multiphase fluid flow with gas breakthrough, phase change expansion, pressure buildup, as well as potential gas fracturing with rapid gas release that could potentially be catastrophic. 

In this project, we look for a skilled student to conduct numerical simulations of deep subsurface gas flow in various types of host rocks. A detailed program will be designed together with the candidate depending on the candidate’s background and interest. 

Project 3: Influence of Pore Water Chemistry on Swelling Pressure, Microstructure and Ion Transport in Compacted Clay
Mentor: Wenming Dong (                                      Click on the down arrow to expand >>>

Clayey materials are important in engineered barrier systems (EBS) for potential U.S. DOE nuclear waste repository sites. For this summer project, we are looking for a highly skilled and motivated student to conduct laboratory experiments to determine how water chemistry influences swelling pressure, microstructural and ion transport in compacted clay system. 

The student will be provided with an excellent opportunity to engage in the frontiers of research of geologic nuclear waste disposal, with a multidisciplinary team of geochemists, hydrologists, and computational geoscientists.

Project 4: Laboratory Study of Heterogeneous Hydration in Bentonite Pellet/Powder Mixtures
Mentor: Chun Chang (                                                  Click on the down arrow to expand >>>

Bentonite pellet/powder mixtures have been applied as an Engineered Barrier System for high level radioactive waste underground repository. The two sets of bench-scale column tests at LBNL using bentonite powder vs. pellet/powder mixture have shown considerably different hydration and swelling processes. The observed faster hydration in the pellet/powder bentonite mixture indicates the impacts of heterogeneity and potential fast flow path developed during hydration. 

In this project, you will be investigating the heterogeneous hydration in bentonite pellet/power mixtures, by preparing column samples (5 cm diameter by 10 cm long), conducting experiments, and assisting with image data acquisition and analysis. You will be introduced to the fascinating X-ray CT scanner housed at LBNL, and work on CT images obtained for scientific research, rather than medical diagnosis you may have seen. Supported by LBNL scientists, you will also have the opportunities to access the science behind these images, dig deeper using dedicated software and develop your own code to help interpretations.

Project 5: Quantum Thermodynamics of Radionuclides in the Spent Nuclear Fuel
Mentor: Piotr Zarzycki (                                        Click on the down arrow to expand >>>

This project will expose interns to first principle calculations of the free energies of reactions in the gas and solution phases. We will use a range of quantum chemistry methods ranging from the density functional theory to post-Hartree-Fock methods. The intern will learn state-of-the-art computational tools and apply them to solve urgent environmental problems.

Project 6: Radionuclide Transport in Clay-Rich Rocks
Mentor:  Carl Steefel (                                              Click on the down arrow to expand >>>

The CI-D Experiment is a field test performed at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland) to understand the migration of radionuclides in clay formations. In this project, we will extend our efforts on the CI-D experiment by taking a broader view of radionuclide migration. We will continue to focus on anions, which are arguably the biggest risk drivers for radionuclide migration from deep geological storage of nuclear waste.  We will work with the project intern to further these efforts, beginning with a publication of the CI-D modeling undertaken with Carl Steefel and Christophe Tournassat.

Project 7: Studying the Bentonite/Cement Interaction and Radionuclide Migration Using Reactive Transport Modeling
Mentors: Omotayo Omosebi ( & LianGe Zheng (                                  Click on the down arrow to expand >>>

Cement is used as a liner in the emplacement tunnel of the geological repository for high-level radioactive waste. The interaction between cement and bentonite has a profound impact on the repository's long-term safety. 

In this project, the intern will conduct a reactive transport model with the mentors to study the alteration of bentonite and concrete. If time permits, migration of radionuclides can be added to the model to study the transport of radionuclides through bentonite and cement.  The intern will learn the geochemistry of cement and bentonite and LBNL in-house reactive transport code, TOUGHREACT, and contribute to the technical report and journal articles.

Program Contacts

Jens Birkholzer
Energy Geosciences Division Director
Earth & Environmental Sciences Area 

Liange Zheng

Nuclear Energy & Nuclear Waste Program Lead
Energy Geosciences Division
Earth & Environmental Sciences Area 

Sandy Chin

Early Career Development Lead
Earth & Environmental Sciences Area 

Lizz Mahoney

Program Coordinator
Earth & Environmental Sciences Area