Call for Applications

17th Exotic Beam Summer School (EBSS2018) 24 June - 30 June 2018

Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA, USA


The seventeenth Exotic Beam Summer School (EBSS2018) will be held at the Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory from 24-30 June, 2018 (opening reception on the evening of June 24th). The aim of the school is to educate young researchers on the excitement and challenges of rare isotope beam science. Through these schools, the research community will be able to more fully exploit the opportunities created by the next-generation exotic beam facilities, such as the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) in the U.S.

A unique feature of this summer school series is the hands-on activities where students spend their afternoons in the laboratory, learning about the techniques and instrumentation needed to carry out experiments with radioactive beams. Among the hands-on activities that students will be involved in for EBSS are measurements with FIONA, gamma-ray tracking detectors, the VENUS/AECR ion sources, the UCB Neutron Generator. In the mornings, lectures on a variety of topics (experimental, theoretical, and applied) will be given by expert speakers. A more detailed program will be posted on the school web site.

EBSS2018 is supported by DOE, NSF, and the following laboratories ANL, LBNL, LLNL, ORNL, NSCL/MSU and ARUNA. The school, held annually, rotates among the various laboratories and is specifically designed for graduate students and postdocs (within 2 years of the PhD degree).

The deadline for receipt of a completed application, including a letter of support from the student’s advisor/supervisor and a paragraph explaining what the applicant hopes to achieve through attending EBSS2018, is April 15, 2018. The application form can be found on the website. Letters of support should be submitted here. Lodging and board expenses for the participants will be covered by the school.

To apply for EBSS2018, please visit the school web site:

Please forward this announcement to students and postdocs who might be interested in joining EBSS2018.


Jacklyn Gates, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Christopher Wrede, Michigan State University

Kelly Chipps, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dariusz Seweryniak, Argonne National Laboratory (local organizer)

Nicholas Scielzo, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Ingo Wiedenhoever, Florida State University (ARUNA representative)

Photo © 2010 The Regents of the University of California, through the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory