
Announcement of the Exotic Beam Summer School 2018

held at the Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory from 24 June - 30 June, 2018

The 2018 Exotic Beam Summer School (EBSS) will be held at the Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, from Sunday, June 24th through Saturday, June 30th, 2018. Please pass on this announcement to interested students and young researchers. As in previous years, the number of attendees will be limited to around 35-40 participants who will be selected from the pool of applicants. The school is intended for graduate students, but senior undergraduates and junior postdoctoral researchers will also be considered.

This will be the seventeenth in the series of annual summer schools devoted to the exciting developments in the study of exotic nuclei. The school is jointly organized by ANL, LBNL, LLNL, NSCL/MSU, ORNL and ARUNA. Development of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) continues apace and FRIB, along with other existing and planned exotic beam facilities around the world, will present wonderful opportunities for future discoveries and technical innovations. The school is intended to introduce students and young researchers to the various facets of the science of exotic nuclei including nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, nuclear astrophysics, fundamental interactions, and the application of nuclear science and technology in the modern world.

The format of the school is unique: in the mornings, students will participate in lectures by leading researchers in the various fields of nuclear physics. In the afternoons, there will be hands-on activities, geared towards introducing fundamental techniques and methods in the production, detection, and investigation of exotic nuclei. The 88-Inch Cyclotron facility will provide an excellent opportunity for hands-on experience to the school participants.

More details will be available at

EBSS Board of Directors:

Jacklyn Gates (LBNL) - local organizer of EBSS2018

Christopher Wrede (NSCL/MSU)

Kelly Chipps (ORNL)

Dariusz Seweryniak (ANL)

Nicholas Scielzo (LLNL)

Ingo Wiedenhoever (FSU/ARUNA)

Photo © 2010 The Regents of the University of California, through the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory