
Chemical Management System (CMS) is the Lab’s primary chemical inventory system.  From initial chemical purchase through chemical use and eventual disposal, CMS provides critical information about chemicals used at the Lab.  An accurate chemical inventory helps ensure a safe workplace for ourselves, colleagues, Berkeley neighbors, Emergency First Responders, and the environment.

It is ulitmately the chemical owner's responsibility to maintain an accurate and timely inventory of all hazardous chemicals in CMS.  The chemical owner may choose to assign various tasks to chemical users, also known as proxies to the owner, but they cannot delegate their accountability for proper chemical management.  

Submit additional FAQs by emailing cms@lbl.gov 

Training Resources

Upcoming New Feature Release Schedule (Full Release Schedule)

January 2023

March 2023 

June 2023 

September 2023 

Key System Improvements

CMS 2.0 offers more comprehensive hazard data, enhanced features, targeted notifications, and major system integrations.  This new CMS system (implemented July 2022) is designed to be a more user-friendly database with enhanced features that will ease inventory management tasks and improve chemical stewardship throughout the entire lifecycle, from "cradle-to-grave".  It is a web application hosted on the cloud, and can also be accessed on any mobile device using a browser.  See details below.

Integration with FMS and Improved Chemical Approval Process

Key Benefits: 

What has Changed

Review this info-graphic for the new process. 

More Comprehensive Hazard Data and Hazard Prompts

Key Benefits: 

What has Changed

Integrated Inventory Ownership Transfer Process

Key Benefits: 

What has Changed

Enhanced Time-Sensitive Chemical (TSC) Electronic Testing Features and Alerts

Key Benefits: 

What has Changed

Inventory Reconciliation with RFID (Coming Summer 2023!)

Key Benefits: 

What's Changing

Integration with Waste Management System (WMS) (Coming Soon!)

Key Benefits: 

What's Changing

Integration with Work Planning and Control Activity Manager (WPC AM) (Coming Soon!)

Key Benefits: 

What's Changing