Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Will there be any extra delay for me to receive my packages?

A: Yes, unfortunately there will be a slight delay in the final delivery. The packages are routed from Shipping and Receiving to the CCRF for processing. We work hard to minimize any extra delays and you should expect to receive your package(s) a day after it arrives on-site here at LBNL.

Q: What do the different colored labels put on the packages mean?

A: The green label affixed to the packages indicates that no further action is needed upon receiving the package. The orange label indicates that there are some actions that need to be done for the hazardous material to be fully processed. Inside of the package you should find a paper slip with more detailed instructions for what needs to be done.

Q: Did my package get processed at the CCRF?

A: You can tell if your package was processed by seeing if it has one of our colored stickers affixed to the exterior. We will normally only process packages containing hazardous materials, but sometimes a non-hazardous package will come to us and be processed.

Q: I ordered some chemicals that are non-hazardous. Do I still need to track them in CMS?

A: If you ordered chemicals that are non-hazardous, they typically don't require tracking in CMS. You can also add them in CMS to keep track of all your chemicals in your lab.