
You recharge your devices, how do you recharge yourself?

What is a recharge?

A recharge can be an opportunity for us to ‘reward’ ourselves for a job well done.  It can give us a boost in the afternoon to finish a project or actively participate in meetings.  It can be an opportunity to clear our minds and enhance our concentration and focus.  Recharging can be helpful in preventing burnout, fatigue, and keep us performing at our peak capabilities and feeling energized.

What do you do to recharge?

The EHS Ergonomics Team asked employees via a survey what they do to recharge as well details regarding what can prevent us from taking time to recharge.   Lab employees provided valuable insights. 

Here are some slides that summarize the survey information from employees that highlight the challenges we can face to making time to recharge and some creative ways to recharge.

Find inspiration to recharge and track your progress daily with this handy checklist.

Want to learn more about recharging?

You recharge your devices, how do you recharge yourself?.docx

You recharge your devices, how do you recharge yourself

You recharge your devices, how do you recharge yourself_-1.pptx

Check out the 1 Minute 4 Wellness slides all about recharge!

Minute for Wellness - Breaks & Recharge