I am an Onsite Worker

Full-time on-site work is a traditional work arrangement where the nature of the position’s duties require an employee to work full time on one of our Lab sites. You may be onsite full time or as part of a hybrid work situation.

If you are coming back to work on-site here are a few things for you to think about...

Here is a link to a helpful resources: Ergo Considerations When Returning to Berkeley Lab

  1. Take a fresh look at your work to make sure your safety is front and center. Have a 'beginner's mind' to ensure all of the hazards and controls for you to perform your work are in place. EHS has three checklists that can help you look at safety issues in various work areas: Office, Laboratory and Shop.

  2. Do you have all of the needed ergonomic and IT equipment you need to safely work in both locations? Berkeley Lab will support two workstations (one at home and one on-site) and related accessories if supervisors determine these are necessary. Click here to access full details about Flexible Work Toolkit V2.

  3. Contact your supervisor to see if you have approval to obtain a second set of accessories so you can work comfortably at home and on-site.

  4. If you are working at a shared/hoteling station click here.

  5. If you will be spending 50% or more time on-site consider updating your EHS58 online ergo self assessment profile/refresher to reflect this new set up.

If you need to order items for on-site; everything can be found in eBuy. For examples: most keyboards, mice, and IT accessories can be ordered through CDW. Other accessories such as footrests, wrist rests, and laptop stands can be found on Staples/Guy Brown. You can also access the Berkeley Lab Ergonomics Catalog for commonly ordered items.

Tip: in eBuy you can click on the Ergonomics icon to access many of the commonly ordered items from various vendors in one location.

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