
YouTube - Remember that you do not necessarily need to create materials from scratch. A well curated group of videos from knowledgeable and reliable sources can be tremendously helpful for your students. See what YouTube has to offer.

Sample Online Learning Doctrine - One school worked together to create a list of achievable expectations for elearning while they are closed.

Method Test Prep via Castle Learning - Method allows for SAT/ACT practice from anywhere. They recently published these documents:

Method Test Prep - School Closure for Teachers

Method Test Prep - School Closure for Students

Thank you to Lorie Beard for sharing this interesting web page and interview with an American teacher who had to face eLearning challenges while she taught in Chine during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Showbie is a real-time application for communication and feedback with key features to support distance learning, including:

  • Communication and chat

  • Parent access

  • Staff curriculum development and co-teaching

  • School oversight

  • Assignment and curriculum distribution

  • Verbal feedback through voice notes (works cross-platform)

Socrative enables distance learning through formative and summative assessment:

  • Deliver self paced, practice, check for understanding assessments

  • Unit testing and exams

  • Asynchronous and synchronous room modes

  • Socrative integrates with Showbie

Showbie Distance Learning Resources

Socrative Distance Learning Resources

Thank you to Patti Barrett for these resources.

New York Public Media - The folks behind Ch. 21 are providing many resources to support distance instruction such as MetroFocus, WLIW Arts Beat, and the Emmy Award-winning series Treasures of New York.

OTIS PD Platform – Visit https://otis.teq.com/users/register/group and use code 78f4bc to access a ton of online PD that you may find helpful. There are many on Google and other frequently used programs.