Français 1

French I focuses on basic components and patterned situations. The course is designed to develop the language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing within the language. It also gives students an idea of the cultural background, life customs, and traditions of French speaking people.

Students have two weekly assignments which help them practice their vocabulary. The first is a Vocabulary Fill-in where students find images that represent the vocabulary term. The second assignment uses Quizlet. Students will be assigned 3-4 activities in Quizlet that help them practice the word set.

To finish up the vocabulary week, students will be given a weekly quiz, usually on Fridays, that covers the word set for the week.

New vocabulary word sets are generally given on Fridays, the practice assignments (Fill-in and Quizlet) are usually due on Wednesday. Then on the following Friday, students take the quiz.

There will also be other assignments from time to time, but most work is completed in class, so you won't see a lot of "home"work.

French I Syllabus

The French I Syllabus is located in Google Classroom. Please have your student login and access it there.