Death in D Minor

By Alexia Gordon

Gethesmane Brown is an American expat and classical musician working as a music teacher in an Irish countryside village who just wants to settle in for a quiet holiday break. Those plans go awry when her landlord plans to sell her cottage, kicking her out, then a priceless antique goes missing, with her brother-in-law falling under suspicion, and that's all before someone gets murdered.

Also: she talks with ghosts. Except her usual spectral buddy, the spirit of the composer who once owned her cottage, has gone missing and she's stuck with an 18th century sea captain.

Death in D Minor is a great beach read for anyone with a love of cozy mysteries and classical music. This is the second book in a series but holds up well independently. (I couldn't recommend the first since I've only just gotten a hold of it!)

Review by Grace Lo