Growth Mindset


Promoting Growth Mindset Means Checking Biases At The Door, Experts Say Educators Must Confront Personal Biases Before They Can Address Students' Mindsets"Educators must confront personal biases before they can address students' mindsets".
Growth Mindset: Clearing Up Some Common Confusions"A growth mindset is the understanding that personal qualities and abilities can change."
Helping Kids Take Criticism Constructively (Even When It Isn’t Constructive) Basalt Middle School is an award-winning middle school that has been recognized as a national School to Watch since 2012.
A Growth Mindset Could Buffer Kids From Negative Academic Effects Of PovertyStanford psychologist Carol Dweck, along with other education researchers interested in growth mindset, have done numerous studies showing that when students believe their intelligence can grow and change with effort, they perform better on academic tests.
New Research: Students Benefit From Learning That Intelligence Is Not Fixed "Teaching students that intelligence can grow and blossom with effort – rather than being a fixed trait they’re just born with – is gaining traction in progressive education circles."


Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

The Growth Mindset Playbook

Flight SchoolLita Judge
The Day the Crayons QuitDrew Daywalt, Oliver Jeffers
Thanks for the Feedback... I Think?Julia Cook, Kelsey De Weerd
Stuck Oliver Jeffers 
Beautiful Oops!Barney Saltzberg
The DotPeter H. Reynolds


Introduction to Growth Mindset
Students with a fixed mindset believe that their own intelligence and talent are innate traits that don’t change (“I just can’t learn math.”).
Effective Effort Rubric
This rubric assesses the learning process–the effective effort that a learner applies.
Growth Mindset Framing
In order to create a "risk-free" classroom environment where all students are willing to take on challenges and push themselves, it is important to make the focus on learning clear, make it safe to risk mistakes, and communicate a high confidence in all students' ability to rise to the learning challenges.
Growth Mindset Feedback
As students begin t work on their learning objectives, growth-minded language guides and motivates them to ensure that they remain persistent, resilient, and focused on the process of learning.
