Please ensure that you are logged in to your LAUSD account to view some of the resources below.
for grades 6-12
for grades 6-12
These teacher created lessons are available to support educators as a resource to complement core classes. You can only access these lessons using your LAUSD account.
Social Emotional Learning Resources.pdf
Want to know more about Second Step, Harmony and/or Inner Exporer? Check out this placemat and it's descriptions.
Want to know more about Second Step, Harmony and/or Inner Exporer? Check out this placemat and it's descriptions.
Walk Through.pdf
Social-Emotional Learning: Not Just for KidsCult of Pedagogy
Practicing Gratitude With Constraint, Specificity, & Thinking About Absence - Houston KraftThe Character Strong Podcast
Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D.on Trauma, Resilience, and HealingUnlocking Us with Brene Brown
Video Highlights
Tools & Strategies
Tools & Strategies