Reseda Regents Robotics



Our club builds student skills. Do we build robots and compete for trophies? Sure. But our true success is not measured by how many times we have traveled to Worlds, it is measured by the future success of our students.  

Reseda Regents Robotics is a student centered team. Students are encouraged to take responsibility and make the choices that will lead them and the team into the future.


FRC Team 2584 Wins the Regional Finalist Award at the 2024 Los Angeles Regional!


What we've done

Reseda's Robotics Team has qualified for the World Championships nine times. We were invited to compete at the Smithsonian Air and Apace Museum. But what we are the most proud of is where our students go after they leave Reseda CHS. Our students attend some of the most prestigious Universities in the Country, Cal Tech, USC, Stanford, and all of the UC's are just some of the examples. Our Alumni now work with Start Ups as well as Fortune 500 companies. Many in management positions. Our team members don't just build robots, they build on the skills they will need throughout their careers. 


One of our amazing robots in action.
Reseda Regents Robotics Alumni
Robotics Team Alumni and Testimonials