LAUSD 2022-26 Strategic Plan

Pillar 5: Investing in Staff

Development and Uplifting of Talented Staff to Serve All Students

We believe in the boundless potential of each of our students, and realizing that potential is only possible when we recognize, empower, and support our staff. The most important factor in ensuring our students thrive and are ready for the world is having knowledgeable, caring, and courageous educators, school leaders, and support staff to guide them on their journey through Los Angeles Unified. The ambitious goals we have set for ourselves and for our students require a clear focus on the recruitment, development, and retention of talented and dedicated staff. Our commitment to upholding students’ joy and wellness, as well as their academic success, must be mirrored in our investments to sustain staff wellness and to build pathways for ongoing professional development, growth, and opportunities to excel.


5A: Diverse Workforce


Effectively recruit and retain a highly qualified, diverse workforce committed to serving all students


Filling every school with talented educators and staff who reflect our students’ diversity can be the single most impactful driver in ensuring academic success


  • Increase investments in the marketing, recruitment, selection, staffing, and retention of under-represented employees at all levels of the District to reflect our student population

  • Create new and promotional pathways for staff to become proficient or certified in specialized classifications and areas of need

  • Create career pathways for students to transition to District careers, including high-demand areas such as teaching and nursing

  • Develop comprehensive compensation plans and incentive programs

  • Implement a comprehensive community-based recruitment strategy to ensure there are qualified candidates to fill vacancies at hard-to-staff schools


By 2026, we will:

  • Ensure at least 50% of new applicants will be members of under-represented groups

  • Ensure the vacancy rate at SENI high/highest-needs schools will not exceed 6%Increase the number of promotional pathways in nursing, mental health, and instructional assistance

  • Increase retention rates of staff hired in 2021-22 and 2022-23 placed at SENI high/highest-needs schools

  • Have at least one career pathway program for every high-need job area


Human Resources Division

Personnel Commission

Credential/Licensed K-12 Teacher Application

Talent Acquisition and Selection Branch (non-teaching staff)

5B: Professional Learning


Provide competency-based, rigorous, and relevant professional learning


All students will benefit when we create opportunities for our staff to build their capacity for improving the instruction, care, and support provided to our students


  • Build capacity of employees on practices of diversity, equity, and inclusion and develop systems to constantly assess, reflect on, and refine these practices

  • Develop differentiated professional development plans for school staff based on analysis of student need and staff interest and experience

  • Provide ongoing professional development and implementation support to educators on the use of evidence-based practices for teaching literacy, math, and social-emotional development

  • Expand professional development opportunities for non-teaching staff to enhance job-related skills and opportunities

  • Provide regular opportunities for educators to observe instruction in their content area


By 2026, we will:

  • Increase the percentage of teachers in micro-credentialing programs who come from high-needs schools to 80% (from 46% in 2021-22)

  • Offer staff at least 12 micro-credential programs (from four offered in 2021-22)

  • Increase the number of professional development opportunities for instructional assistants, school office staff, and professional/technical employees


My Personal Learning Network (MyPLN) Catalog

Micro-Credentialing Program Overview

5C: Staff Wellness


Cultivate staff wellness through responsive and affirming practices


Every employee deserves to feel supported, recognized, cared for, and connected to their schools – both as a fundamental right and as a requisite for effectively serving our students


  • Develop programs to elevate, celebrate, and recognize employee accomplishments and contributions

  • Convene collaborative network of employees and labor partners to develop and inform implementation of responsive wellness programs

  • Build capacity of employees to promote wellness strategies for their schools and teams

  • Offer supplemental, confidential mental health and counseling services to all employees through the Employee Assistance Service for Education (EASE) program


By 2026, we will:

  • Increase the percentage of staff with excellent attendance to 86%

  • Increase the percentage of staff reporting on the School Experience Survey that their school is a supportive and inviting place to work to 94%

  • Increase participation rates in professional development focused on wellness by 100%

  • Increase usage and participation in the EASE program


Employee Assistance Service for Education (EASE)

Integrated Disability Management

5D: High Performance Standards


Communicate and maintain consistent, high performance standards


Building a clear, shared understanding of what effective teaching and workplace performance looks like is essential to holding ourselves accountable and providing exceptional opportunities for employee growth and development


  • Foster a districtwide culture of shared responsibility for student success

  • Strengthen the implementation of formal and informal performance evaluation systems for teachers and administrators, grounded in District-developed frameworks, that describe exemplary practices for effective teaching and supervision of instruction

  • Facilitate comprehensive training for supervisors and managers to ensure successful implementation of effective performance management strategies

  • Widely promote career growth and development tools to assist employees plan and achieve their career goals


By 2026, we will:

  • Administer the Stakeholder Feedback Survey to students in at least 75% of classrooms of eligible teachers being evaluated

  • Ensure 100% of employees receive performance management training as they are hired into supervisory or management positions

  • Increase participation in multiple-measures performance evaluation systems to include all certificated employee groups


Teaching and Learning Framework

School Leadership Framework

Principal Supervisor Leadership Framework

Classified Performance Framework

School Counseling Framework