LAUSD 2022-26 Strategic Plan

Pillar 3: Engagement
and Collaboration

Authentic Engagement to Leverage the Power of Our Families,
Communities, and Educational Partners

Providing an exceptional learning experience for our students during the pandemic brought our priorities and opportunities for growth into sharper focus and highlighted one of our greatest assets: the strength of the Los Angeles Unified community. Our families and communities are critical partners in preparing students to be ready for the world and in building a world that is ready for our students. We recognize the incredible knowledge, traditions, and resources these partners contribute, and we commit to strengthening these connections so that we may jointly create more opportunities for our youth. We must model for our students what collaboration and respect for others looks like by creating transparent and empowered systems of engagement to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute.


3A: Strong Relationships


Strengthen relationships between families, students, and their schools to improve student success


Positive family-school partnerships cultivate students’ social and emotional well-being, create a sense of belonging in the school community, and build families’ capacity to engage in and support student learning


  • Support all school sites in developing a cohort of school volunteers and parent leaders

  • Develop resources and activities to promote regular school community events that engage family and staff

  • Link every student to a parent or guardian on the Los Angeles Unified App and Parent Portal

  • Expand community schools to identify and build on community assets and relationships

  • Establish a Family Academy to equip families with the skills, information, and networking opportunities to support students’ academic and social-emotional success

  • Provide opportunities for robust stakeholder engagement in the school budget development process

  • Offer professional development opportunities for educators to build capacity on strengthening relationships with families


By 2026, we will:

  • Increase the percentage of parents reporting on the School Experience Survey they feel welcome to participate at their school to 94% (from 86.3% in 2021-22)

  • Increase the percentage of students and parents or guardians linked on Parent Portal by 4% annually (from 81% in 2021-22)

  • Graduate at least 1,000 participants from Equity Course Pathways annually

  • Average at least 300 participants on Family Academy course catalog webinars

  • Host Annual School Goals and Budget Consultation processes at 100% of schools

  • Increase the percentage of volunteer applications that are processed within 30 days by 10% annually

  • Increase the percentage of families responding favorably on the School Experience Survey around overall customer service by 2% annually

  • Increase the number of school sites with employees completing the Family Empowerment microcredential

  • Increase the number of community school initiative programs available in the District


Parent and Family Engagement professional development modules and tools (for school personnel)

Parent Portal

Los Angeles Unified Mobile App

Parent and Community Services Branch

Birth to Eight Roadmap

Community Schools Initiative

3B: Accessible Information


Provide clear, consistent, and accessible information to the community


Effective school and District communication builds trusting relationships and enables families, students, staff, and community members to serve as collaborative partners


  • Enhance and streamline District and school websites, communication channels, and social media to improve community access to news and information

  • Ensure all families are connected to the internet and have the training to access technology to promote communication and advocacy for student learning

  • Increase collaboration with media partners to share positive and uplifting stories of Los Angeles Unified

  • Provide school promotion training and resources

  • Improve internal communication structures to ensure all employees receive timely District news and important information

  • Communicate with families in multiple languages and modes to best meet their needs


By 2026, we will:

  • Increase the percentage of parents reporting on the School Experience Survey that their school provides them with information they can understand to 96% (from 91.2% in 2021-22)

  • Meet the needs of 100% of students who request a computing device, connectivity, and/or technical support

  • Increase primary website usage by 20%

  • Increase social media reach and engagement by 10%

  • Increase published media stories by 15%

  • Provide 100% of schools with resources, including training toolkits, to promote local programs and meaningful stories

  • Communicate timely and relevant District information to 100% of employees

  • Increase outreach of messages in languages other than English and Spanish by 10%


Los Angeles Unified’s website

Follow Los Angeles Unified:

Twitter: @laschools

Instagram: @laschools

Facebook: @laschools

Follow Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho:

Twitter: @lausdsup

Instagram: @lausdsup

Facebook: @AlbertoMCarvalho1

3C: Leading for Impact


Lead and leverage our role as an impactful, key member of local, state, national, and global communities


Advocacy on behalf of the Los Angeles Unified community is critical to the success of students, teachers and administrators, and the advancement of our schools


  • Build local and state coalitions with parents, other school districts, education associations, labor partners, and community-based organizations to advance the District’s legislative advocacy priorities

  • Convene regular roundtable discussions with local, state, and federal elected officials, as well as governmental agencies, to strengthen relationships and increase influence in policy making

  • Grow and leverage partnerships with community-based organizations, the business community, and institutes of higher education

  • Participate in national network of school districts to better inform policies and practices

  • Advance policy and funding priority areas at various levels of government to support student achievement and fiscal sustainability


By 2026, we will:

  • Increase the participation rate of elected offices and key governmental agencies in regular roundtable discussions and convenings to 70%

  • Pass through the house of origin at least 66% of the District’s sponsored bills, and at least 40% of the District’s sponsored bills through both houses of the California Legislature

  • Increase the participation rate of various stakeholders in the Office of Government Relations' quarterly briefings by 50%

  • Increase the number of signatories in coalition letters by 50%

  • Establish at least 12 new municipal education compacts, focusing on local governmental entities

  • Increase participation in national organizations

  • Increase the number of partnerships with community-based organizations, civic leaders, local community colleges, four-year institutions and workforce leaders


Los Angeles Unified Office of Government Relations

Office of Partnerships and Grants

3D: Honoring Perspectives


Honor and act upon the perspectives of students and everyone we serve


Listening to, elevating, and acting upon the voices of our students and community members promotes deeper engagement and improves our ability to serve responsively


  • Establish advisory councils with students, families, staff, and other key partners to inform action plans at the school and District levels

  • Regularly survey students and other stakeholders to capture multiple perspectives on their educational experience and establish ways we can collectively support our students

  • Collaborate with community partners and students to create meaningful leadership opportunities and internships to advance student leadership development and enrichment experiences

  • Ensure multiple methods of participation for accessing community events and opportunities to provide feedback


By 2026, we will:

  • Increase the percentage of parents completing the annual School Experience Survey to 60% (from 52% in 2021-22)

  • Increase the percentage of students responding favorably on the School Experience Survey around overall opportunities for participation and leadership by 2% annually

  • Increase the number of participants in Thought Exchanges and other feedback/input surveys

  • Increase the number of Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) educational partner engagement opportunities


School Experience Survey

LCAP Resources:

Students and Families | External Partners

Advisory Committees