LAUSD 2022-26 Strategic Plan

Pillar 2: Joy and Wellness

Safe and Healthy Environments to Promote Joy and Wellness

In order for our students to thrive in our schools and fully engage in their academic experience, we must also commit to creating environments where they feel safe, welcome, and excited to learn. This pillar represents our commitment to serving the whole child – attending to the social, emotional, and physical health and wellness of our students so they are prepared and energized to focus on learning, growing, and building meaningful connections at school. This pillar represents our commitment to fostering a safe, inclusive, and supportive school culture on every campus and minimizing disruptions or barriers to learning. Our approach to safety is comprehensive, and we are committed to creating environments that offer physical, emotional, and environmental safety. By promoting these conditions, we believe our campuses and classrooms will shine as exciting and exemplary learning spaces for students to realize their potential.


2A: Welcoming Learning Environments


Focus on consistent implementation of high-quality instruction to improve student outcomes


Design and sustain welcoming, safe, environmentally friendly, affirming, and inclusive learning environments


  • Support and build capacity of all campus staff to implement affirming, welcoming, and trauma-informed practices

  • Increase staff awareness and capacity to support students around sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression

  • Develop safe and sustainable green spaces, outdoor learning environments, and shaded areas at each school

  • Ensure “safe passage” to and from school through coordination with local civic and safety organizations

  • Create asset-based and culturally responsive classrooms and curricula that value and celebrate the diverse backgrounds of our students

  • Engage students in regular, inclusive celebrations and community events that recognize diverse cultures

  • Increase access to other safe learning and community spaces, including libraries and partner organizations

  • Complete regular environmental health, safety, and emergency readiness assessments at schools


By 2026, we will:

  • Increase the percentage of students reporting on the School Experience Survey that they feel safe at school to 82% (from 72.7% in 2021-22)

  • Increase the number of students reporting on the School Experience Survey that they feel safe in the neighborhood around their schools

      • ES - 78% (from 67% in 2021-22)

      • MS - 75% (from 65% in 2021-22)

      • HS - 68% (from 60% in 2021-22)

  • Increase the percentage of schools with completed environmental health, safety, and emergency readiness assessments to 100%

  • Identify and obtain authorization to fund $50 million in projects to create outdoor learning spaces and other landscaping and greening upgrades

  • Increase the number of schools and employees trained on topics of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression


Human Relations, Diversity and Equity

Safe School Inspection Guidebook

Division of School Climate, Culture, and Safety

2B: Whole-Child Well-Being


Promote whole-child well-being through integrated health, nutrition, and wellness services


Attending to the well-being of the whole child lays a solid foundation for learning and development


  • Design and implement an integrated wellness policy and toolkit focused on holistic wellness

  • Establish a team of support personnel within each community to provide services that promote student wellness

  • Leverage community schools, wellness centers, and partnerships to promote safe, welcoming, and resource-rich environments for students and families

  • Elevate school nutrition with fresher, healthier, and more appealing options informed by family and student feedback

  • Provide a continuum of mental and physical health services for students and families at school, wellness centers, and through telehealth programs

  • Promote an active lifestyle through expanded opportunities for athletics, physical education, and community events

  • Conduct an inventory of whole-child resources in the community to facilitate access and referrals to needed services


By 2026, we will:

  • Exceed 70% positive response rate on biannual surveys regarding school meals

  • Increase access to whole-child wellness interventions

  • Increase the number of mental health consultations for staff and parents

  • Increase the number of students served and supported through mental health services

  • Increase Medi-Cal enrollment for students and families in communities with greatest needs


Health and Wellness Policy

Wellness Programs

Food and Nutrition Services

2C: Strong Social-Emotional Skills


Eliminate opportunity gaps, advance anti-racist instructional practices, and personalize learning for all students


Social-emotional skills will enable students to learn and positively contribute to the broader community


  • Provide varied professional development opportunities focused on deepening staff knowledge, skills, and dispositions to support students’ social and emotional needs

  • Integrate social-emotional learning into instruction and provide effective, evidence-based curricula to support social development

  • Expand access to resources and curricula to build capacity of families, staff, and community members to support students, particularly for those transitioning to elementary, middle, or high school

  • Develop school awareness and use of practices that support positive individual wellness and model effective behaviors for students

  • Create opportunities for students to demonstrate and apply positive social-emotional behaviors at school and in other social interactions

  • Develop portfolio structures by June 2023 to monitor and measure students' application of social-emotional learning competencies

  • Build capacity of all adults on campus on the use of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and Restorative Practices to promote a positive culture in the classroom


By 2026, we will:

  • Increase the percentage of students in elementary, middle school and high school demonstrating growth in each of the social-emotional learning competencies of growth mindset, self-efficacy, self-management, and social awareness to 8% as measured by the School Experience survey

  • Reduce the Single Student Suspension Rate to 0.15% (from 0.4% in 2018-19)


Social Emotional Learning Unit

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports/Restorative Practices

Roadmap for Social-Emotional Well-Being and Academic Success

Digital Citizenship

2D: Outstanding Attendance


Ensure outstanding attendance to support consistent in-class learning


Being engaged and on campus is essential for students to learn


  • Provide regular mentorship and community-building opportunities to strengthen interpersonal relationships with students

  • Engage and build capacity of families to support attendance for students as a shared responsibility

  • Identify root causes for absences and offer comprehensive and schoolwide child welfare and attendance services to students, including tiered and differentiated absence prevention and intervention supports

  • Implement incentive programs for students with regular attendance, including recognition events, attendance “challenges,” and spirit days

  • Leverage school teams to conduct personalized, daily outreach to families of students with low attendance

  • Collaborate with organizations promoting student attendance and re-engagement efforts to increase coordination, consultation, and referrals


By 2026, we will:

  • Decrease the percentage of chronically absent students (attendance rate of 91% or less)

      • K-5 - 12.8% (from 13.6% in 2017- 18, the most recent year without significant disruptions to in-person attendance)

      • 6-8 - 11.6% (from 12.4% in 2017-18)

      • 9-12 - 21.5% (from 22.3% in 2017-18)


Los Angeles Unified Pupil Services and Attendance