Finding Information You Can Trust
Don't Believe Everything, Don't Disbelieve Everything.
Cross Check and Verify!
Trustworthy Sources
Trustworthy Sources
(Paywall hint - using google you can search for "Los Angeles Times: [topic]. For example "Los Angeles Times: climate change", or "Los Angeles Times: Kobe Bryant". This works for other sources, too.)
School Based Tools
School Based Tools
School Library Website
School Library Website
URL addresses:
URL addresses:
gov (usually a government website)
.edu (usually an educational institution such as a university)
It's a fine place to START a search, to find keywords, and to find more sources and resources. Just don't use it as your one and only source.
It's a fine place to START a search, to find keywords, and to find more sources and resources. Just don't use it as your one and only source.
Here are some quick and easy Google search tricks to help refine and limit your searches:
Here are some quick and easy Google search tricks to help refine and limit your searches: