senior year


Summer 2024

☐ 1. Create your college list using the College List Organizer and calendar your deadlines for all of your colleges, scholarships, and financial aid applications and documents that have to be submitted.

☐ 2. Start your Brag Sheet, especially if you're applying to Private Colleges & Universities on the Common Application

UC's do not require letters of recommendation.

CSU's do not require letters of recommendation. 

☐ 3. If you're applying to highly selective private colleges make sure to register for the SAT or ACT a 2nd time. 

☐ 4. Draft those Personal Insight Questions -UC Application- 4 Personal Insight Questions (PIQ’s) of 350 words each

Fall 2024

1. Request your Teacher Recommendations and Counselor Recommendation in person. As for your Counselor Recommendation, you can request it from either Ms. Marquez, Mrs. Amirouche, or Mr. Malmed.

☐ 2. Start writing...

-CSU EOP Application- 5 autobiographical statements

-UC Application- 4 Personal Insight Questions (PIQ’s) of 350 words each

-Common Application- Personal Statement of 650 words

-Supplements for your other colleges & universities that you are applying to

-Scholarship Essay requirements…

☐ 3. Research scholarships. Check out the scholarship links I have listed in the Scholarships Page of this website there are so many organizations that are waiting for you to apply for their scholarships. You should never pay for scholarship information.

☐ 4. FINANCIAL AID: The FAFSA application will open in December, more information to come. 

Important dates

Application Opens: October 1st

Application Deadline: November 30th

Cost: $70 Per Application (Fee Waiver is Built-in the Application)

Website to Apply:

CSU Search Majors

Impacted Majors

Choosing a Campus

What is EOP?

When are EOP Recommendations Due?

SAT & ACT: *The California State University (CSU) no longer uses ACT or SAT examinations in determining admission eligibility for all CSU campuses. 

Application Opens: August 1st 

Application Deadline: November 30th

Cost: $70 Per Application (Fee Waiver is Built-in the Application)

Website to Apply: HERE

UC Search Majors 

Impacted Majors

Choosing a Campus

Recommendations required? NONE

Personal Insight Questions Tip Sheet

SAT & ACT: *The University of California (UC) no longer uses ACT or SAT examinations in determining admission eligibility for all UC campuses. 


1.      Address the Essay Question(s): Ensure that your essay directly responds to the prompts given.

2.      Focus on Yourself: The essay should primarily highlight your experiences, interests, lessons learned, personal growth, goals, and more. Avoid diverting attention by discussing these areas about others excessively.

3.      Polish Your Writing: Make sure your essay is well-edited, free from grammatical errors, and flows smoothly. If you are a great story-teller, that's half the battle. 

4.      Reflect Your Voice Authentically: Your essay should showcase your unique voice and convey authenticity.

5.      No Need for Dramatics: You don't have to narrate a dramatic event or discuss overcoming extreme challenges to create an engaging and compelling essay.

6.      Engage Your Reader: Capture your reader's attention from the outset. Begin with a captivating introduction to maintain their interest. It's really easy to lose someone's attention span or simply sound like the next mediocre essay. 

7.      Include Details, Descriptions, and Emotions: Incorporating vivid details, descriptive language, and emotions in your essay allows the reader to connect with your story on a deeper level. It draws them in and keeps them interested.

8.      Write, step away, revisit, and write some more...  This progression includes creating multiple drafts and refining your work to elevate it further. You need time to reflect, process, and revise your essay. 

Do you need a fee waiver to apply to college?

Community College: All applications are free of charge. 

California State University (CSU) Application: The fee waiver is built into the application and it is based on your response for the adjusted gross income question in the Financial and Parental Information Section.

University of California (UC) Application: The fee waiver is built into the application and it is based on your response for the adjusted gross income question in the "About You" Section- See sub section "Your Household".

Common Application Fee Waiver: Indicate that you need a fee waiver on the Personal Information Section. Then see Mrs. Marquez in the College Center. 

Applying to Private Colleges ? 


Out of State College Resources

Western Undergraduate Exchange: Out of State colleges with tuition discounts :-)

College & University Fly in Programs: Get flown out to visit colleges out of the state!

Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Colleges that will change your life, check them out!