Pathway to Culturally Safe Indigenous Health Research Practices

Created in collaboration with Training & Capacity Building and Team 18, this pathway acts as a guide for researchers engaged in Indigenous health research. As a general guide, this pathway may not include locally-relevant resources that are critical to partnering with communities in meaningful and respectful ways. We encourage you to seek out and use local resources as much as possible. You may also find it helpful to go back to previous steps to help with self-reflection on your journey.

Step 1:

Step 1 of our pathway will focus on working towards establishing a foundational of understanding the historical and ongoing impacts of colonization in Canada and its impacts on Indigenous health.

Step 2:

After establishing foundational knowledge in Step 1, we will share webinars and learning modules to help enhance your understanding of Indigenous health research.

Step 3:

Step 3 of the pathway will focus on establishing an understanding of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Data Sovereignty Principles and how they apply to research.

Step 4:

The last step of the pathway will encourage liaisons to enroll in TCPS-2 and OCAP® training, if they have not already completed these courses. These training modules will build on what we've learned throughout the pathway in understanding culturally safe Indigenous health research practices.