Oaks Primary Academy Newsletter

27th January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to you all following our recent parental communication Google Form. We are always keen to gather feedback to help us do the best we possibly can and this survey provided a fantastic insight into how we can ensure communication is the best it can possibly be.

I will continue writing to you all via these newsletters. I will aim to debrief the learning and events across each week (with fantastic photographs) whilst conveying important messages and dates for your diaries.

It is also at this stage of the academic year when we circulate the LAT Academy Parental Survey. Letters will be released to you later today detailing how to access the survey. Last year it provided me with a fantastic insight into your views about Oaks Primary Academy and how we can improve, informing many of my plans to make Oaks the best it can be. I would greatly appreciate all of your feedback again this year.

This week has been an extremely busy week with Year 4 and 6 travelling to the O2 arena for Young Voices 2023. Both children and staff alike had an extraordinary time singing brilliantly and doing Oaks proud, what an experience! Interspersed between this have been amazing learning, planting trees for the Qeen's Green Canopy, swimming lessons , history workshops and a live musical roadshow!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mr Moore


The Return of Class Dojo!

We are delighted that Class Dojo has made a return to the classrooms of Oaks.

Class Dojo is a fantastic educational tool, supporting pupil motivation in their learning and documenting learning through photographs and notes.

Dojo points are awarded daily for children demonstrating the Learner Profile Attributes as well as our Approaches to Learning so if you hear your child saying that they have got a Dojo point - this is a very positive addition to their day!

As Oaks Primary Academy is an IB PYP school, our values are linked with those of the IB ethos.

Our pupils collaborate in their learning with their peers and staff to deepen their understanding and increase their confidence and self-motivation.

Our pupils are constantly developing their reflective practice and Class Dojo is an excellent tool to support that.

During the school day, pupils nominate others to receive points for demonstraying particular attributes or approaches to their learning. It's fantastic to see pupils recognise each other for their commitment to their learning, social and personal development.


This weeks attendance award goes to: BLUEJAYS 94%

We are closely monitoring this terms attendance and so far in the lead is....Kingfishers with 95% this could all change between now and the end of term!!!

And like the termly award we are also monitoring the best attendance for the Academic Year and so far in the lead is....Kingfishers with 93%

Termly awards are being given to most improved individuals, 100% attenders and the best class attendance

A gentle reminder to please contact the school on 01622 755960 option 1 and leave a message on the absence line or email clo@oaksprimaryacademy.org.uk before 9.15am stating the exact reason for absence e.g. cold/cough, sickness etc. Please do not state ‘”unwell” or similar. If the reason given is vague, you will be called to clarify the exact circumstances of your child's absence. It is your responsibilty to report your child absent.

I would also like to draw attention to our attendance update below. I can not stress the importance of being in school everyday on time. A vast majority of our children reap the rewards of being in school settled and ready to learn before 8:50 everyday. This allows them to prepare for the routine of the day, access essential early morning work and most importantly be present for the teaching input of their very first lesson, it will lead to more progress and improved outcomes for your child. Myself and Mrs Osborne will be recommencing our termly absence and lateness meets before half term.

We do ask that you try to make medical appointments outside of School hours. We know this is not always possible. All parents need to provide proof of appointment so we can authorise the absence. If proof is not supplied then it will be unauthorised. All proof to be sent/shown into the school office or to Mrs Osborne prior to the appointment.