
Year 1 Cycle 1

Module Five 

PYP: How we organise ourselves

Topic: From Field to Fork 


St George's Day Celebration 

Phase 2 pupils participated in an artistic workshop celebrating St George's Day. Pupils made and decorated lanterns that will be showcased at a special St George's parade on 21st April 2023. The aim of the parade is to celebrate the patron Saint of England as well as an opportunity to shine a light on Dartford's continued resilience, unity and diversity through music and visual arts. 

Year 1 Cycle 1

Module 4

Primary Years Programme: How the world works 

Topic: Road Trip 


Year 1 Cycle 1

Module 4

Primary Years Programme: How the world works 

Topic: Road Trip 


Year Cycle 1

Module 3

Primary Years Programme: Where we are in place and time

Topic: Tribes and Temples

LO: To move, with support, to new activities which are either directed or self-chosen.

Dartford Festival of Light 2022 

Milestone Academy was proud to join the Dartford Festival of Light this year. Several classes attended a lantern workshop delivered by an award-winning arts company; SameSky. Students were supported to make and decorate lanterns from scratch using tape,  tissue paper, sticks and lots of glue!

Students, families and staff joined many other local primary schools to parade their lanterns through Dartford high street, finishing with a spectacular fireworks display at Central Park.

Year Cycle:  1

Primary Years Programme: How We Express Ourselves

Topic: Shake, Rattle and Roll

LO - I will demonstrate that I am aware of contrasting quantities for example 'one and 'lots' by making groups of objects. 

Year: Cycle 1

Primary Years Programme:  Sharing the Planet

Topic: Destination Out of Space

Mountain class have had a very busy term 6!  We really enjoyed our sunny sports day with activities inside and outside, thank you to the parents and families who came to support us and cheer us on!.  

Our topic has been “Destination out of Space” and we have loved making our own rocket ships and making moon rock.  We have experimented with different coloured paints and foams and also made alien biscuits.  

Mountain class have also enjoyed specialist sessions such as soft play, PE and music where we have been learning about pulse. We have used different instruments and parts of the body to recognise pulse to different pieces of music.