
Year Cycle: 1

Primary Years Programme:  How we organise ourselves 

Topic: From field to fork 

Module 5

Year Cycle: 1

Primary Years Programme:  How the world works 

Topic: Road Trip

Module 4

Year Cycle: 1

Primary Years Programme:  How we organise ourselves  

Topic: From Field to Fork 

Module 5

Year Cycle: 1

Primary Years Programme:  How the world works 

Topic: Road Trip

Module 4



Year Cycle: 1

Primary Years Programme:  Where we are in place and time

Topic: Tribes and temples

Module 3


Year Cycle: 1

Primary Years Programme:  How We Express Ourselves 

Topic: Shake, Rattle and Roll 

Module 2

Canyon class have had a creative afternoon decorating lanterns for the festival of lights as part of their RE lesson.

LO - Imitates the use of tools, materials and simple actions.

LO - Practises new skills with less support, developing knowledge of the process of making.

LO - Shows an intention to create.

LO - Starts to use tools, materials and simple actions to produce a piece of work.

LO - Links movements in a simple sequence, although he may require support to do this.

LO - Recognises small and large apparatus and use it with some basic control.

LO - Moves in a variety of ways.

LO - Works in pairs and in small groups cooperatively, although may need support to follow instructions and keep on task.

LO - Throws and kicks a ball, but lacks direction.

Cycle 1

Primary Years Programme: Where we are in place and time  

Topic: Road Trips 

Module 4