English- Reading

Reading Curriculum Statement


Reading is taught on a daily basis; through Phonics International, Reading Vipers, KS coded books and through Inquiry lessons. Children complete daily Phonics tasks relating to two different graphemes a week in KS2. KS1 will have daily phonics lessons, which are  linked to their reading books. 

KS2 uses the VIPERS reading programme, where individual reading skills are the focus of each reading lesson. These skills are introduced during lower KS2 and are developed as the children progress into upper KS2.

Throughout all key stages, decodable books are used. The children are graded across 20 levels to support their reading level and ability. These books give us a clear indication of the level each child is reading at. 

Reading is embedded in all the different subject areas.

Coverage of reading should be planned in accordance to the yearly overview and topics with the development of children’s reading skills are embedded in each lesson.  National Curriculum objectives will be covered sufficiently through each Inquiry.  Children will meet the National Curriculum expectations in reading, which will be taught by highly-qualified staff who will support children to develop the mastery of concepts and inspire enthusiasm and interest in the subject.


Teachers will plan challenging activities to engage children in texts to give them a love of learning and will link to their Inquiry. Within this, discussion and evaluation skills are promoted.  This also gives children opportunities to ask their own questions and draw their own conclusions.  

Each KS1 class has daily phonics lessons and a phonics chart with the sounds are displayed in each classroom, so children can refer to them during the lessons. 

The children read their decodable books with their class teacher and at home weekly.  During this time the teacher will assess the child and decide when the child is ready for the next book. 

In KS2, children can take part in focus groups with clear targets, which is  linked to the VIPERS reading skills, this is done through a weekly reading skills lesson, or more frequent if needed. This equips the children to be able to access and engage in the reading activities within their Inquiry. 

All reading lessons to be completed in Skills Books and linked to the inquiry theme. All phonics lessons to be completed at the back of each Skills Book, so children and teachers can clearly see the progression being made. 

Learning is adapted to fit the needs of individual learners. 

Children have opportunities to work both independently and as part of a group to explore different genres. Use of appropriate reading resources allow children to explore reading in a practical manner and engage children in their learning.

Learning through inquiry: Children should be able to use their reading skills when working on their inquiry and be able to access and use the information.   

The library is being developed and organised into inquiry based areas, where children and teachers can use the information texts to enhance  their learning.  

At the start of each Inquiry, children can discuss what they know and what they want to know. At the end of the Inquiry, they record what they know by writing a review.

Teachers use Bromcom and PYP Programme of Inquiry (PoI) to record children’s progression of skills in reading. 

The decodable books enable teachers to understand which is each child’s individual reading level. 

The children take part in the annual World Book Day and come to school dressed as their favourite book character and take part in exciting activities.  Thus celebrating their love of reading. 

Teachers actively respond to learning, understanding and work in lessons in order to identify misconceptions early.


Children’s learning will be displayed to celebrate their achievements and there are resources to enhance displays. 

Visual prompts and thought-provoking questions are used. Vocabulary relevant to their learning will be displayed. 

Evidence of learning in their books, ideally daily phonics for KS1 and Reading Vipers for KS2. Phonics is recorded in the back of their books to highlight clear progress. Decodable reading books enable the children to reinforce their reading skills at a level they are at. 

Children are happy, feel cared for, and have excellent relationships with others. They know how to deal with challenges and have a range of strategies to overcome them. Learning intention to be based on the reading skills the children are using. Children are enthusiastic and enjoy what they are learning. The children will read for pleasure.


Resources kept in each classroom, so children and teachers can access daily.  Resources need to allow children to access reading if they are struggling. Eg use of laptops where children can speak into them to create their work and the use of word banks, skills mats etc.

Teachers inform the Reading lead if there are any specific resources that are needed and that cannot be found in the classroom. The Reading lead is to replenish resources as and when they are needed. Reading lead to keep up to date with new curriculum developments and relay them to staff when needed.

Decodable books are kept close to the KS1 classrooms and are clearly labelled, so the children and their teachers can access them. KS2 decodable books are kept in the library for teachers and children to easily access them.

The library is used as a Research Centre which holds non-fiction books sorted into categories within the Transdisciplinary Themes.

HMPA Curriculum Map