'Who We Are'

During Term 1, we were inquiring into our Transdisciplinary Theme of 'Who We Are' and our Central Idea was: The actions of individuals have made a difference to the lives of others can be exchanged.

Our lines of inquiry were:

  • An inquiry into what motivates people to make a difference in their community CAUSATION

  • Investigating how people affect their communities CONNECTION

  • The impact of global decisions on communities RESPONSIBILITY

Our Unit of Inquiry

Tuning in:

Children will be thinking about their own identity and what is important to them and their physical and mental well being.

Finding out:

Asking questions to find out about what has motivated many individuals to inspire others?

Sorting out:

Comparing and contrasting inspirational individuals who have had an impact on others globally.

Going further:

Children will begin to go further to research children who have been motivated to change their communities.

Making connections and taking action:

After making conclusions, children will exhibit their own research work and reflect on what action they might take to tackle local or global problems.

Reflecting on:

What skills they can develop to be a successful learner and person.

The Learner Profile attributes that they can develop to become a successful person.

Our inquiries...

  • Explain what makes a person unique?

  • How does culture affect how people develop?

  • Why does education matter to people?

  • What things motivate people to take action?

  • Can you compare and contrast actions that people have taken that affect communities?

  • How can people manage their emotions?

  • How might physical changes affect your identity?

  • Can you explain why people worry about change?

  • Why can change be positive or negative?

  • What is a sense of self?

  • How can events that happen to us in our lives affect our sense of self?

  • What are key events in your life so far?

  • What might key events in your life be in the future?

  • What might motivate people to be successful?

  • What might inspire people to change things?

  • If you could taken action to help your community what would you do? Can you justify the reasons for your action?

Some of our recent work

Daniel's work:

We carried out a questionnaire and tally chart, which we then put into an excel spreadsheet. Daniel chose to convey his results in a pie chart format, linking to our Maths focus on statistics.

Paris - Exhibition task

Paris' work: Paris created an amazing research-based Powerpoint presentation to exhibit her learning from this UOI. She compared and contrasted two inspirational children whose actions have changed the world in a positive way. Her research inspired her to take her own form of action to tackle an global environmental issue.

Helpful resources for our inquiry