Mental Health


 "When students come into school with mental health needs that aren't being met, it doesn't matter how good of a teacher I am or how great of a lesson plan I prepared. When their basic needs aren't being met, they aren't able to learn." 

-Michigan High School English Teacher

RoadMap to Back-To-School Mental Health

Back to school and the holiday season is an exciting time, but it can also be nerve-racking. Being mindful about how to support mental wellbeing at this time of year can go a long way to make the experience smoother for both kids and parents. The Mental Health Coalition has a wonderful resource on mental well-being for parents and for children.   

BHAT (Behavioral Health Assistant Team)

Each district in our CCISD (Copper Country Intermediate School District) has a BHAT. The main goal of this team is going through student referrals and creating a plan of action so no student "slips through the cracks." This may include, and is not limited to, a SAT (Student Assistant Team) meeting, establishing mental health services such as one-on-one in-school counseling, or group counseling.

Our local BHAT consists of both the K-5 Principal and 6-12 Principal, K-5 School Social Worker, 6-12 School Social Worker, and our Mental Health Professional through the CCISD. The BHAT meets every 2 weeks and a review with all Mental Health Professionals in-between. All information remains confidential within the BHAT.

If you are a LAS parent/guardian/staff member and have a student you would like to refer, you may fill out the BHAT referral form below.

TRAILS to Wellness Curriculum 

TRAILS stands for Transforming Research into Action to Improve the Lives of Students and is a Social-Emotional Learning and skills-based curriculum. TRAILS is an evidenced-based CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and mindfulness practice that is supportive, strength and solution focused, and impact on meaningful outcomes: health, academic performance, social skills, and personal well being.

TRAILS utilizes a 3-tiered model of support. Tier 1 is universal meaning every student. Tier 2 is early intervention meaning appropriate students that need a little extra. Tier 3 support is crisis intervention.

We use TRAILS in the classroom for Tier 1 support and we also offer Tier 2 support  in small groups focusing on more intensive needs such as depression and anxiety. These specific groups are only lead by mental health professionals. TRAILS also has Tier 3 support which is in suicide prevention and risk management

We can choose to have the uncomfortable feelings, fears, depression, and the anxiety drive/be in control of our bus or it can be a passenger. By intentionally facing our fears and struggles, we can regain control over our lives. Who is driving the bus of your life?