
Classroom Expectations

  • Come to class prepared to work on math. Bring your composition notebook, calculator, and supply bag with you everyday.

  • Bring your Chromebook

  • Do your own work. If you are found to be cheating (giving or receiving) you will be given a zero and not allowed to make up that assignment, quiz or test.

  • Do not be on your phone. A phone is not a substitute for a calculator. If I see you on your phone, I will confiscate it and you will not get it back until the end of the period or day depending on how frequent of a violator you become.

  • A good attitude goes a long ways so be a good person. I appreciate students that can have a conversation, ask for help, and make their learning a priority.

Student Responsibility

  • Participate in class by taking notes, working examples, and asking questions

  • Assignments are to be started in class. What is not finished will then be considered homework. Most students will have enough time to complete assignments in class. Believe it or not, I am not a fan of homework and the expectation is that you complete assignments BEFORE you leave my class.

Required Materials

  1. Composition notebook (1 per semester) for notes and homework

  2. Scientific calculator*

  3. Pencil and red pen/marker

  4. Tape or glue stick(s)

  5. Scissors

  6. Protractor and compass

  7. Markers/Colored Pencils/Colored Pens/Highlighters (Optional)

*Calculator Info: The recommended calculator for my classes is a TI-30xs. This scientific calculator is a great option for Algebra I, Geometry, Physics and Chemistry and much less expensive than a graphing calculator. Click on this link to purchase on amazon marketplace for less than $20. A phone is not a substitute for a calculator.


All assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. If you are absent you are responsible for creating your notebook and completing the assignment from the section(s) you missed. Simple as that, we do not stop working because you are absent. We will never have a “free day” so if you are absent you will miss something we did.