

是次活動體現了「喇沙仔」最引以為傲的手足情。滯於疫情,全港中小學停課,大家錯過不少面對面交流接觸的樂趣,所幸Homecoming Day的籌劃過程,為一眾師兄弟創造了通力合作,互相激勵,相互扶持的良機,重燃「手足情」的熱忱和力量。祈願喇沙精神生生不息,得以薪火相傳。

- F.4 黃正彥 歷史學會主席

I was delighted to partake in the homecoming event with Matthew from Form 5 and Miss Amy Poon. We were able to talk with Old Boys and guests, introduce them to the brand new e-library and show them the newly-repurposed corridor along the link bridge. Though beforehand it had been challenging for me, I soon realized that I learned a lot and felt fulfilled.

As soon as the guests arrived at the link bridge, Miss Poon started to display the short introductory video of the e-library I created. We then briefly introduced the whole e-library and let them try it out . Several guests were concerned about the quality and the quantity of the e-books different providers offer. They also asked how the e-library works fundamentally. Nevertheless, we resolved every one of their inquiries, and they all left the link bridge satisfied.

- F.3 Ian Cheung, Chief IT Developer of the Library Board