Book Reviews


The Scarecrows' Wedding

by Julia Donaldson

Reviewed by Nursery

We have been learning about ‘weddings’ through our theme ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ So this story was a perfect choice to read.

Harry O’Hay and Betty O’Barley are so in love they decide to marry. But before they can enjoy their celebrations on the big day itself, they decide to make a list of the things that they need and together they try to find them, however some things are not so easy to gather and Harry sets off on a mission to source the last thing on their list leaving Betty to encounter the new and sly scarecrow on the farm; Reginald Rake. Will Harry return in time to save his true love?

The children thoroughly enjoyed the story and were really happy for Harry and Betty to get married. We loved that there was some adventure and surprise and that there was a hero and a villain; we cheered for Harry and booed Reginald 😊

We certainly recommend this story for a fun read that includes Julia Donaldson’s well-known and captivating rhyming text, aiding the story’s flow and children’s participation.


The Bedtime Princess

by Kate Lee

Reviewed by Lydia Ross (Year 1)

This book is about a princess who doesn't want to go to bed. She has lots of reasons why; like she wants bedtime cake and her teddy. Mummy helps to get her to go to bed. It is a good book because it's about a princess and when I grow up I want to be a princess. Otherwise I want to be a tooth fairy princess. I would give it 10 out of 5 stars!!!


One Christmas Wish by Katherine Rundell

Reviewed by Sunny Hackett - Year 3

I really love this book because it is all about Christmas and I LOVE Christmas!

The story is about a boy called Theo who didn't want to be alone at Christmas so he made a wish on a shooting star. His Dad told him that 'when you wish, you have to wish with all heart'. His wish came true and the decorations from his christmas tree came to life so he wasn't alone anymore.

The main characters are an angel who wants to fly, a robin who wants to sing, a tin soldier who wants to find love and a rocking horse who wants to run. Theo is so kind and helps them all.

I can't wait to see what happens at the end of the story. I really hope that all the characters are all happy, have a lovely Christmas and their wishes come true.

I definitely think people should read this book because it is so lovely. I love the story and there are lots of lovely pictures in the book too,


Skellig by David Almond

Reviewed by Chloe S (Year 6)

We have been reading Skellig in UKS2 and and I am really enjoying it. It is about a boy called Michael and he has a lot going on. He has moved house and had a new baby sister, who is really ill. He meets a girl called Mina. The biggest thing is the creature that he finds in the garage! I don't want to give away too much but it is a really good story and when I am reading it I just want to know more of what happens.

Michael is my favourite character because he is interested in the things around him and he has a lot of different feelings as he goes through the story.

I would give it five stars!