Author Q & A

Sarah White

About me...

I’m a celebrity journalist and best selling children’s author. I write biographies, non-fiction, picture books and chapter books. I have written 25+ books a for children and teens and have a new picture book The Mermaid's Wedding out for World Book Day 2022.

What advice would you give to young readers or budding authors?

Try to read every day. Have a notebook for your ideas and believe in yourself. I wasn't the cleverest in my class and I have never been good at spelling but reading every day has helped my spelling loads. (All authors make spelling mistakes sometimes so don't let it hold you back.)

When did you start writing books

I have always written stories in notebooks and when I was in year 5 I made a pop up book. My mum still has it.

Where do you get inspiration for writing books?

Most of my books have been biographies of famous people. If I like an actor or singer then I will write a book on them. I am a huge Taylor Swift fan and I'm very excited that the actor Robert Pattinson is going to be the new Batman.

Who is your favourite character that you have created?

It has to be Danny the monkey from my picture book The Best World Book Week Ever. He loves reading all kinds of different books, in lots of funny places.

Who was your favourite author as a child?

Enid Blyton. I used to collect her books from car boot sales!

Any tips to help parents encourage children to read?

Try and go the library when you can. We have a bookcase on our landing and I have some books for me as well as books for my children on it. So I will say things like, 'I can't wait to read my book later' or 'I love reading my book last night, it was so exciting/interesting.' So my girls know that I am reading myself. I used to buy books a lot but in the last year, I've switched to just getting library books and it's been so good. Not only have we saved money but the children are reading more books and choosing books that I wouldn't have picked for them.

If you would like to find out more about Sarah Oliver and her books, her website details are