Bullying Awareness

In refrence to bullying, CM Macdonell Elementary will follow the reporting procedures below in order to create a safe, caring, and nurturing school environment.

Additional counseling classes will be conducted on the different types of Bullying.  Ultimately, CM Macdonell Elementary will establish a safe and nurturing learning environment and bullying will not be tolerated.  

What can I do as a parent if my son or daughter is a victim of alleged bullying?

 If you suspect that your child or any other student is a victim of bullying, LISD has an electronic reporting bullying incident form that can be accessed with the link below, or you can go to the campus where the incident occurred to report it to a counselor or administrator. If you prefer to remain anonymous, the forms are readily available at the campus front desk, or you may use the online anonymous reporting form in the link below. The administrator will investigate the incident to determine if the act or pattern of acts meets the definition of bullying described by the Texas Education Code. 😊