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WEEK 7 (05/18/20 - 05/22/20) Opera Vs Musical

Opera is a drama set to music. An opera is like a play in which everything is sung instead of spoken. Operas are usually performed in opera houses. The singers who sing and act out the story are on the stage, and the orchestra is in front of the stage but lower down, in the orchestra pit, so that the audience can see the stage.

A Musical is a play or movie in which singing and dancing play an essential part. Musicals developed from light opera in the early 20th century. As a distinct genre, the film musical refers to movies that include singing and/or dancing as an important element and also involves the performance of song and/or dance by the main characters.

Opera singing - In traditional number opera, singers employ two styles of singing: recitative, a speech-inflected style, and self-contained arias. Opera is the hardest. It requires so icy training and discipline and dedication and that never lets up. You don't magically become a great opera singer and then you can relax and just do it.

WEEK 6 (05/11/20 - 05/15/20) Brass Instruments

Percussion Instruments are musical instruments (such as a drum, xylophone, or maraca) sounded by striking, shaking, or scraping.

Strike to hit forcibly with a hand or object

Shaking a rapid back-and-forth movement of a percussion instrument to produce a rattling sound.

Scraping in music, percussion instrument consisting of a serrated surface that is rasped with a stick. Known since the Stone Age, it is often associated with magical powers and ritual, and it is widely distributed geographically. Scrapers are commonly made of bone, as the Aztec used in memorial rites; gourd, such as the guiro of Mexican and Cuban folk music and Latin American dance bands; wood, as in the Chinese yu, or wooden tiger, used in Confucian ritual; horn, as in the charrasca (also called guiro) of Venezuelan folk music; and shell. They are sometimes resonated over a hole or a gourd.

Orchestra a group of organized musicians playing instruments from each of the families

Resonate to produce a deep, loud sound for a long time

Percussion an instrument family where the instruments make sound when they are struck with the hand or object

The most common percussion instruments in the orchestra include the timpani, xylophone, cymbals, triangle, snare drum, bass drum, tambourine, maracas, gongs, chimes, celesta, and piano.

WOW WORD: Sort to arrange according to sort, kind, or class; separate into sorts; classify:

For Example:

1. I had to sort animals by their classification in my science class.

2. We must sort the percussion instruments according to how we play them.


WEEK 6 (05/04/20 - 05/08/20) Brass Instruments

Trumpet a brass instrument having a conical-cylindrical tube with two turns, a cup shaped mouthpiece and a flared bell specifically..

Trombone a brass instrument consisting of a long cylindrical metal tube with two turns and having a movable slide or valves for varying the tone and a usual range one octave lower than that of the trumpet.

Tuba a large low-pitched brass instrument usually oval in shape and having a conical tube and a cup-shaped mouthpiece.

French horn a circular valved brass instrument having a conical bore, a funnel-shaped mouthpiece.

WOW WORD: Respond to reply or answer in words; to say in answer; reply

For Example:

1. I respond to the questions my teacher asks.

2. The trumpet responded with high notes after the trombone played a long low note.


WEEK 5 (04/27/20 - 05/01/20) Woodwind Instruments

Woodwind instruments are wind instruments in which sound is produced by blowing on the mouthpiece & reed(s) of the instrument (the vibration of reeds in the mouthpiece) or by blowing directly on the hole (passing of air across the mouthpiece).

The mouthpiece of a woodwind instrument is that part of the instrument which is placed partly in the player's mouth. Single-reed instruments, capped double-reed instruments, and fipple flutes have mouthpieces while exposed double-reed instruments (apart from those using pirouettes) and open flutes do not. The characteristics of a mouthpiece and reed can play a significant role on the sound of the instrument.

Piccolo is a small flute sounding an octave higher than the ordinary one.

Flute is a wind instrument made from a tube with holes along it that are stopped by the fingers or keys, held vertically or horizontally so that the player's breath strikes a narrow edge.

Oboe is a double-reed woodwind instrument having a conical tube and a brilliant penetrating tone.

Clarinet has a simple, straight tube with intricate keys, a single-reed mouthpiece, and a flared, bell-shaped end. The word clarinet comes from the French clarinette, the diminutive form of clarine. "little bell," which comes from clair, "bright or clear."

Bassoon is a double-reed woodwind instrument having a long U-shaped conical tube connected to the mouthpiece by a thin metal tube. The bassoon makes the lowest pitch and timbre of all woodwind instruments and plays notes that create very funny to serious sounds.

Saxophone is the most versatile woodwind instrument usually made of brass and played with a single-reed.

Bag Pipe is a reed instrument consisting of a melody pipe and one or more accompanying drone pipes protruding from a windbag into which the air is blown by the mouth or a bellows.

A single-reed instrument is a woodwind instrument that uses only one reed to produce sound.

A double reed instrument (such as the oboe and bassoon), there is no mouthpiece; the two parts of the reed vibrate against one another.

WOW WORD: Refer to direct attention; to make reference or allusion.

Please refer to the fact that most woodwind instruments require a reed to be played.


WEEK 4 (04/20/20 - 04/24/20) String Family Instruments

A string instrument is a musical instrument that makes sound by vibrating the strings on it. A string instrument plays soft notes. The strings on the instrument usually come in many shape and form. String instruments can make sound by plucking the strings or by using a bow - which is usually made of horse hair.

The violin is a small stringed instrument. It is tuned to G,D,A (440 Hz) and E.

The viola is slightly larger than the violin, and is tuned to C, G, D, and A.

The cello is larger than the viola and is also a stringed instrument that is played on the bass clef and is much bigger than the violin, and it is played differently also.

The double-bass is bigger still and is the lowest of them all.

The ukulele is a small four-stringed guitar of Hawaiian origin.

The banjo a musical instrument with a drum like body, a fretted neck, and usually four or five strings which may be plucked or strummed.

An electric guitar is a guitar whose tone is magnified electrically by a microphone or pickup device that is built into the instrument or attached externally.

An accoustic guitar is a guitar that does not require electrical amplification, having a hollow body that amplifies the vibrations of the strings.

The piano is a large keyboard musical instrument with a wooden case enclosing a soundboard and metal strings, which are struck by hammers when the keys are depressed.

The harp is a musical instrument, roughly triangular in shape, consisting of a frame supporting a graduated series of parallel strings, played by plucking with the fingers.

WOW WORD: Determine to conclude or ascertain, as after reasoning, observation

We determined that if an instrument has strings it belongs to the string family of instruments.


WEEK 3 (04/14/20 - 04/17/20) Instrument Families of the Orchestra

Instrument Families are musical instruments that are grouped into families based on how they make sounds. In an orchestra, musicians sit together in these family groupings. There are four groups or families (brass, string, wind and percussion).

The Brass Family consists of 5 major instruments with many other similar variations on them. The Trumpet/Cornet, the French Horn, the Trombone, the Baritone/Euphonium, and the Tuba/Sousaphone. Sound is produced by each instrument in the family by buzzing the lips together into the mouthpiece.

The String Family, stringed instruments, or chordophones are musical instruments that produce sound from vibrating strings when the performer plays or sounds the strings in some manner.

The Wind Family, are musical instrument that uses air to produce sound. The sound is created by a stream of air that flows through or around the body of the instrument. In most cases the air comes from the player’s mouth. The instruments are also called aerophones.

The percussion family is the largest in the orchestra. Percussion instruments include any instrument that makes a sound when it is hit, shaken, or scraped. ... Percussion instruments keep the rhythm, make special sounds and add excitement and color.

Conductor is a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir.

WOW WORD: Consider to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision; to contemplate; to reflect on; to bear in mind.

For Example: We must consider all our options before making a decision.


WEEK 2 (04/06/20 - 04/10/20) Barroque Period

Tempo is the speed of music (how fast or slow a song goes).

Largo is the tempo term for a song that has a slow beat.

Andante is the tempo term for a song that has a walking beat.

Presto is the tempo term for a song that has a fast beat.

Quarter note is a musical symbol worth one beat of sound.

Eighth note is a musical symbol worth 1/2 of a beat of sound

Barroque Period (1600 - 1750) is the period of time where composers wrote music to be performed for Kings and churches.

WOW WORD: Clarify is to make (and idea, statement, etc...) clear or intelligible, to free from ambiguity/uncertainty.

For Example: Would you please clarify the meaning of the sentence for me?


WEEK 1 (03/30/20 - 04/03/20) Rhythmic Patterns

Simultaneously means to do more than two or more things at the same time. For Example, "We can sing and dance simultaneously." “Mom can talk on the phone and cook simultaneously.”

Solfège is a great tool to learn music by singing specific pitches (sounds) and syllables while simultaneously moving your hands in a specific manner for each of the seven notes.

Echo Game means when you first look and listen then you echo by saying and doing simultaneously.

Rhythmic Pattern is a group of notes that make up a pattern you can tap or play.

Patchem is when you tap your hands on your lap as you read the notes from a rhythmic pattern and say Ta for quarter note and Ti- Ti for two eighth notes.

WOW WORD: Support to provide evidence or proof that something is real, to maintain or advocate. For Example: “Please support your answers with text evidence.

Music Theory

Please click the video to begin music activity. Para comenzar la actividad da un clic en cada video.

Solfege Hand Sign Review

Listen to and look at the explanation of each hand position with every different note.

· There are seven different positions (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti) Go to charts and resources for reference and to practice slower.

· Follow, copy and echo the teacher as he sings and moves his hands simultaneously according to the note.

· He will repeat and teach each one separately so you can practice.

Nursery Rhymes Guess What Song This Is?

· Teacher will move hands and sing the notes simultaneously as the notes move toward him one at a time.

· Don’t worry if you miss any of them try your best.

· Try to guess what song you are solfeging to.

· Remember what I always say, “Practice makes Perfect” and