Who we are...

We are a group of dedicated parents who connect with others, helping to bring about positive changes for families with young children in our community.

What we do...

"I can't commit to another monthly meeting!"

We know parents are busy. We encourage you to participate at your comfort level in one or more ways, such as:

Why should you get involved?

As parents, you are your child's first and most important teacher. Becoming involved will help shape the future of early childhood in our community. You will:

Scan the QR Code or click the name to like and follow us on Facebook.

When parents see a need, we work together to find a solution. 

Book Bins

Our goal is to get a book in every hand of every child in Lapeer County. 

On average, children growing up in homes without books are three years behind children growing up in homes with lots of books. 

We have set up several book bins in local area businesses around Lapeer County. Similar to a little free library, families can take a book or leave a book. 

Would you like to help with Book Bins?

We are always looking for volunteers to set up book bins in new locations and to maintain book bins in their current locations. Volunteer once, once a week, once a month, or as often as you'd like - we welcome help at any level.


Ever wonder what immunizations your child needs so they can start school and where to go to get them? You aren't alone! Many parents wondered the same thing. Together, we created one flyer that has all the information parents need.

For more information, complete this form or contact

Anita at (810) 245-3994 or akaeding@lapeerisd.org